Chapter 187

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Chapter 187: Spencer's POV

Wow, I can't believe I just admitted that.

"Woah, Spence. Maybe you should've told Toby that. That you wanted him to propose."

"Spencer, get off your phone and help Melissa find her bags!" I heard Mom yell.

"I got to go, Em, but please don't tell anybody, especially Toby, what I tell you."

"Of course," she said.

"Love you," I replied and hung up.


"So we're staying in The Fairmont while all our furniture moves into our new house?" I asked as we entered the grand lobby. Wow, I wish we could just live in this hotel; it was so fancy.

"Melissa, Spencer, you can go walk around while your dad and I check in," Mom told us and I nodded. The bellhop took our bags and Melissa and I walked through the hotel. There were pretty fountains and trees inside the lobby. It was huge!

"Are you liking Cali?" Melissa asked.

"I've been here for an hour, Mel," I replied. "You?"

"Eh. It can't be worse than Rosewood though," she said and I nodded. "Anyway, I have to take you to your appointment at 12:00 so I should probably call a taxi."

"What appointment?" I asked.

"Mom told me to accompany you to the school you're going to attend. The principal agreed to meet with you to organize your classes."

"Ugh!" I was so sick of Mom always making plans without consulting me. "Isn't it past 12:00 already?"

"There's something called time zones, Spencer. Set your watch three hours back."

"Oh shit, thanks for reminding me."


"Melissa, I have a question," I said as we rode in a taxi to my new school. "Do you think I should call Toby?"

"I don't think that's my question to answer."

"I mean, I miss him, but I doubt if he misses me."

"He probably does," Melissa assured me.

"Then why hasn't he called me or texted me?"

"He's probably wondering the same thing about you. One of you needs to grow some balls and call the other person."

"Fine," I said and picked up my phone and dialed his number.

"Hey," I heard Toby's voice and my heart melted.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I think it's better if you answer that since you just traveled across the country."

"I'm homesick," I admitted.

"Well, I'm Spencer-sick," he said and I blushed, but tried to maintain myself.

"You can call me anytime, Tobes."

"Same for you. So what's up with you now?"

"I'm going to my new school," I said and Toby groaned.

"Well, have fun."

"Thanks and I actually have to go now. We arrived."

"Ok, bye," Toby said and hung up.

"I love you," I said, but he had already hung up.

I looked outside and saw a bunch of students standing outside Lincoln High School. It must be lunch time.

Melissa paid the taxi driver and we got out of the car. Gosh, this looked just like Rosewood.

I scanned around and saw some people look at me weirdly. One girl waved and I awkwardly smiled back at her. I peered around more as we walked up to the front door and then my eyes landed on the back of one boy's head.


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