Chapter 180

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Chapter 180: Toby's POV

"Do what you want outside our restaurant," the manager said as he dumped Lance, Spencer, and I outside and closed the front door.

I wanted to laugh, but Lance was glaring at me.

"What the fuck, guys?" he yelled and Spencer held my hand. "Do you two know each other?"

"You just wanted to sleep with me, you asshole!" Spencer yelled and let go of my hand. She walked up to Lance and slapped him across the face.

"Woah, girl!" he said and grabbed her hands.

"LET GO!" I yelled and got in between them. "Let's go home, Spencer." 

I grabbed her and led her to my car. Lance didn't even bother to say anything or follow us.


"I feel like such a failure," Spencer admitted as I started driving to Rosewood.

"Your safety and our relationship is so much more important than a stupid job. And why would I want to work a company headed by such a douche?"

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"It never was your fault, Spencer. Just go to sleep. It's 8:00 already. I'll wake you up when we're in Rosewood."


"It's past 11:30," Spencer said as we waited in her driveway. "My parents are going to yell at me so much. I told them I was sleeping over at Emily's, but it's so obvious that I wasn't."

"I'll come in with you," I assured her and we got out of the car. I held her hand as we walked to the front door.

Almost immediately after we rang the bell, Mrs. Hastings opened the door. I expected her to start shouting, but she hugged both of us.

"I have been worried sick, Spencer! Where the hell were you?"

Okay, here came the shouting...

"Mom, can you yell at me tomorrow? I'm too tired now."

"Yeah, you're not going to school tomorrow anyway," she said and looked at me. I smiled awkwardly.

"What? Why not?" Spencer asked in surprise.

"Come inside. Your father and I have important news."

Spencer looked worried and I mumbled a goodbye, but Mrs. Hastings stopped me.

"Toby, I think it's best if you hear this as well," she said and I closed the front door. 

"Mom, what happened?" Spencer asked worriedly. "Where's Dad? Is Melissa okay?"

"Calm down," Mrs. Hastings said and led us to the living room, where Mr. Hastings was sitting on the couch with Melissa right next to him.

"Melissa?" Spencer asked in shock and Mr. Hastings gave me a disapproving look.

"Your father and I have important news," Mrs. Hastings said. "That's why we called Melissa as well."

"What's the news?" Spencer asked and I took a seat on the couch opposite from Mr. Hastings and Melissa. Spencer sat next to me, but I could tell she was anxious.

"Well," Mr. Hastings began. "I'll make it short so we can all get some sleep."

"Make what short?" Spencer questioned.

"We're moving, Spencer. The whole family. We're moving to California."

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