Chapter 211

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Chapter 211: Spencer's POV

"Aren't you glad you finally tried the famous Cavanaugh blueberry muffins?" Toby asked and I laughed. Just finishing up our breakfast, we were sitting on opposite ends of the couch, our legs intertwining in each other's.

"Yes, I loved them."

"I told you!" Toby said and we both laughed.

"Holy shit!" I suddenly remembered. "It's almost 11. I just ditched Emily the whole morning."

"Oh, then go over. I don't mind," he said, but his voice implied that he did.

"Yeah, you know what they say, gals before guys," I said and realized how stupid that sounded.

"Chicks before dicks, Spencer."

"That's a thing?" I asked and burst out laughing.

"Yes!" Toby said and we got up. "Hey, come over any time. I'll be here waiting."

He flashed me a soft smile and I leaned in and hugged him. I didn't really know where we were in a relationship aspect. Ugh, I should have just kissed him! I let go quickly and Toby frowned.

"Wow, you just completely friend zoned me."

"I did not!" I teased. "It's a hug. That is not friend zoning someone."

"Whatever," he mumbled and I walked towards the door. "It's nice to be your friend again."

I don't know why, but I hated hearing that word. Toby and I were definitely not friends. Were we? I needed to do something about this. 

I turned around and stared at Toby. He smiled, but then raised his eyebrows after some time.

"Why are you staring at me, Spence? Do I have a zit or something?"

"No, no," I assured him. "I was just wondering, are you free tonight? Wanna do something?"

"Like in my house?"

"No, like somewhere outside this neighborhood. I don't want to be cooped up here this whole week."

"Are you inviting me to come with you, Emily, Hanna, and Aria somewhere?" he asked.

"It's just the TWO of us!" I exclaimed. "What's wrong with that?"

"I was just asking," he replied. "When and where?"

Toby didn't look happy that I was asking him out. Did he not feel that way about me? 

"You know what, never mind. I'll just spend time with the girls," I said, more disappointed than ever. 

As usual, Toby broke my heart. This was a new record: he hurt me when we were actually friends.

I walked to the door, disappointed as usual, but I felt Toby's touch on my shoulder.

"Turn around, babe," he ordered and I obeyed.


"Um, do you want to do something tonight? Just the two of us?" he asked shyly, making me forget about all the anger I previously felt toward him.

"Pick me up at 7."


"Are you mad that I'm going out with Toby tonight?" I asked Emily. I was waiting near the door of her house, wearing casual jeans and a t-shirt. It was ten past 7, but I tried not to act too desperate.

"Well, I'm upset that you're only here for a week and you're hanging out so much with a guy that's not your boyfriend, but, whatever," she replied honestly.

"Shit, I'm the worst friend ever," I admitted. I felt horrible that I was free loading at Emily's house and barely spending time with her. "Next four days, I'm only talking to you and the girls. Okay?"

"Spencer, just have fun tonight," Emily said and smiled. "I'll go over to Paige's house since Aria and Hanna are both busy."

"I love you, Em," I said and hugged her.

"I love you too and you look hot, Spence. Even in jeans a t-shirt."

I laughed and the bell rang. I tried not to hide my excitement when I opened the door.

There Toby stood, wearing a button down formal shirt with a tie. A TIE! His shirt was tucked into his formal looking pants. Shit! Obviously, we had completely different ideas what our date would be like. He stared awkwardly at my outfit as I blushed a deep red, feeling super embarrassed. 

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