The Party ("Nick St. Clair" Part 3)

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As more and more people started coming in, I found myself away from my friends as I sat on the couch. My head was pounding and I just had this really big gut feeling that I need to get out of here. "Betty, are you okay?" I heard as the couch dipped beside me.

I looked to my side and there was Nick. "Oh, hey. I, um, I'm just kinda...claustrophobic," I replied. "I get that," he replied. "By the way, Veronica told me you're having trouble sleeping, so I thought I'd bring you these," he said, bringing out a sheet of pills. 

"They're capsules," he told me as I took them from his hand. "You just dissolve them in a glass of water before you go to bed and you should sleep like the dead until morning." "Thanks, Nick. I hope this wasn't any trouble for you," I replied. "Oh, of course not," Nick replied. "What're friends for?"

I smiled awkwardly in response and looked around. "You wouldn't happen to know where Veronica or Jughead is, would you?" I asked, standing up. "I know where Ronnie is. I can take you to her," he offered standing up with me as we walked over to the bottom of the staircase.

"Betty, how's the party life treating you?" Veronica asked with a red cup in her hand. "Um, actually, V, I was gonna...head out. I'm not feeling too good. Do you know where Jughead is?" I asked tiredly.

"I think he's in the kitchen, but since it started raining outside the road's super slippery and it's dark. I don't think it's a good idea to drive, especially with how tired you are," she said. If you want, you can go sleep in my room. I'll lock the door so no creep can get in," she offered. 

I just sighed and said, "Yeah, that's fine. Thanks, V." She took my hand and helped me up the stairs, pulling a key out of her pocket and unlocking her door. "I did it to all the rooms," she remarked, opening her bedroom door. 

"Feel free to borrow a pair of my pajamas. I'll be sure to tell Jughead where you are. Night, B," were the last words I heard before she closed the door. I saw a tray carrying a pitcher and glasses in the corner of my eye and poured myself some water, putting the sleep medication in the glass and watching dissolve.

 Setting the glass down, I walked over to V's bed and took off my heels. I laid down and pulled the covers over me, waiting a few minutes before I was greeted with sleep.

Nick's POV

Veronica was smart to lock her bedroom door; too bad I was smarter...and more cunning. "Have you seen Archie? He promised me we could hit some of the kegs before they all ran out," I chuckled. "I saw him over there," Veronica said, pointing off in the distance, which gave me the perfect opportunity to grab the key from her pocket.

"Thanks, Ronnie," I said, shoving the key into my pocket and heading over for where she pointed. Once I noticed her not looking, I turned through the crowd of people and headed for the staircase. "If I was Veronica's bedroom, where would I be?" I mumbled to myself.

 Finally, I found it, turning the key in the lock and gently opening the door. And there she was.

Betty's POV

The feeling of hands on my hips woke me up. I opened my eyes and my vision was fuzzy and distorted. All I could make out was a boy with dark hair over me. "Jug--" "Shh," I was interrupted. I felt the fabric of my dress going higher up my leg. "Jug, stop...I don't...I don't wanna do this...right now," I said lightly, my voice hoarse and slurred. 

I started crying when I felt fingers gripping the sides of my underwear, pulling them down. I tried my best to sit up and fight him off, and when I did I saw that it wasn't was Nick. "No,!" I cried, trying to push him back, but failing because whatever rug he gave me was hardly letting me move.

He grabbed both of my wrists and pushed me back again. I started screaming for help and that's when Nick put his hand over my mouth to shut me up. And no matter how hard I tried to fight him off, he was stronger. 

I closed my eyes the whole time. When he first came into me I sobbed; it felt like he was using a knife instead of his dick. "Shh, shh, babygirl. You're okay. Everything is gonna be just fine," he said softly as if he was trying to comfort me. 

With his hand still on my mouth, my cries and voice were muffled as I said, "Please, please stop." And after a while, I realized he wasn't planning on carrying through with my request. Then I felt something starting to happen to my body. Something that wasn't supposed to happen. Something that I didn't want to happen.

I turned my head and closed my eyes tight as it happened, not understanding why my body would make me cum. Didn't it know I didn't want this? Apparently, Nick didn't because his next words were, "See, baby? It isn't so bad. I know just how to take care of you."

After he was done, he kissed my temple and zipped up his pants, saying, "I'm looking forward to seeing you the rest of this week, Betty. Goodnight, babygirl," before he walked out. I waited to hear the doorknob rattle as it was locked from the other side, but it didn't.

I laid there for a while; my dress pulled up to my stomach, my eyes running with tears, trails of mascara down my face, my underwear bunched up on the ground. And suddenly all the noise of the party outside these walls stopped and it was silence. 

I stumbled off the bed, grabbing my underwear in my hand and headed for the door. The house was cleared out and there was only Veronica, Archie, Cheryl, and Jughead downstairs in the living room. "What a great turnout tonight," Veronica said happily as I watched her fall back onto her couch from the top banister.

My shaky legs slowly moved down the stairs and I was good about halfway down before I tripped over myself and came tumbling down stair after stair. "Betty!" Jughead exclaimed, coming over with the rest of my friends when I hit the last step. 

"Betty, what's wrong?" asked Veronica, seeing my hand and the makeup stains on my face. "He raped me," I said dully. Everyone's expression dropped even more and then I said, "Nick St. Clair raped me."

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