Mother Knows Best

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Betty woke up and instantly hurried to the bathroom, hunching over the toilet and pouring out all the contents of her stomach before going downstairs to be greeted by her mother and sister.

"Morning, Elizabeth," greeted Alice as she put some scrambled eggs onto two plates. "Hey mom," replied Betty tiredly as she sat down next to Polly. "Everything alright, Betty?" asked Polly. "Yeah, just another morning of throwing up instantly," Betty replied. 

"Hmm," Alice hummed in thought. "So, you and Jughead are back together, right? How are you guys?" she asked, seeing if what she thought was true. "We've been...good," Betty said, smiling and looking at her sister, Polly smiling as well. 

"Have you two been sexually active?" Alice asked out-of-the-blue. "What?!" Polly exclaimed as Betty embarrassedly yelled, "Mom!" The youngest blonde looked around at her family who were looking at her in a way that said, "Kiss and tell, Betty"

"Okay, fine! Yes. Once!" Betty finally caved, hiding her face in her hands after saying that. Polly started clapping before she patted Betty's back in support, laughing as she apologized. "When?" Alice asked, being mature and not noisy. "About a week ago," Betty answered, her voice muffled from hiding.

"And how long have you been throwing up?" Betty's mother asked. "About a week," Betty answered, lifting her head when she heard the uncanny similarity in both answers. Polly and Alice exchanged a look of "Oh, this sounds familiar," both girls being mothers themselves.

"And by the information gathered so far, I'm guessing there was no protection," Alice sighed. "I'm sorry, Mom. It wasn't planned and plus...he didn't have any...things," Betty replied, her voice lowering. 

"Hey, I mean, at least that means he's not one of those guys," Polly chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. Alice nodded slowly in agreement and Betty sided with her sister. "Let me guess, you also always have to pee and you're constantly tired," said Polly, recalling her days of pregnancy.

 "Here's what I suggest, go with your sister to grab some pregnancy tests, preferably one of three different brands just for accuracy, and I'll make you some hot, passion fruit tea, Alice offered. Betty nodded and she and Polly got up, heading for the door. 


When the girls got back, Betty drank the tea and given the three water bottles Polly made her drink in the car, Betty was ready for the tests.


Walking down the stairs and holding all three tests in her hand, Betty approached Polly and Alice. All three Cooper women looked at the test once Betty flipped them over; All. Three. Positive.

"Mother knows best," bragged Alice. "What does that even mean?" Betty asked, looking over at her mother. "You'll find out in about 9 months," Alice replied, patting Betty's back and walking into the living room.

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