Extra 23

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The silver hairpin on Tang Guoer's head was very eye-catching. As soon as he entered Hedong Village, many people saw it. Tang Guoer did not hide it. When anyone asked, he directly said that Miao Lianhua gave it to him. Huang Shuang was even more excited when he saw it. Happy.

  Lu Xuesong handed the homecoming gift to Tang Xiao and chatted and laughed with several brothers from the Tang family. Tang Guoer looked at him with a curved look on his lips.

  Knowing that their son was doing well, Tang Xiao and Huang Shuang squinted their eyes with laughter. They cut half of the meat they brought back and fried it. The whole family shared the meal at two tables and had a great time.

  When leaving, Tang Guoer was obviously not as reluctant to leave as she was when she got married. Not to mention anything else, she had to go to Hedong Village several times a month just to collect fruits.

  Besides, Tang Guoer turned to look at Lu Xuesong, raised his face and smiled, and Songzi said that he would accompany him back.

  "Happy?" Lu Xuesong asked with a smile.

  Tang Guoer chuckled and said, "Well, mother told me not to act like a child, so as not to make you angry."

  In fact, when Tang Guoer was having some private conversations with Huang Shuang and several sisters-in-law in the house, Tang Guoer complained that Lu Xuesong was too troublesome, and Huang Shuang reminded him like this.

  Lu Xuesong immediately stopped and looked behind him at his mother-in-law's house. He wished he could go back immediately, "I won't be angry with you!"

  Tang Guoer laughed out loud: "I know, if mother just says it casually, she won't let me wrong myself."

  Lu Xuesong was relieved, and the two of them continued walking home carrying the bamboo baskets on their backs.

  There were half a wild rabbit in the bamboo basket. They were hunted by Tang Xiao before. He killed a few during the banquet and left two for Tang Guoer to kill when he returned home today.

  Lu Xuesong had eaten rabbit meat only a handful of times. Just after he showed surprise at the dinner table, Tang Xiao asked him to take some home.

  Tang Guoer's mother-in-law valued Tang Guoer, and they couldn't hide it, but they didn't give her anything else, so that others would think Lu Xuesong was incapable of taking so many things from his father-in-law's house.

  It was already evening when we got home, and Miao Lianhua had already eaten. Tang Guoer smiled and said, "Mom, dad asked me to bring some rabbit meat. Let's fry it with spicy pepper tomorrow."

  Miao Lianhua beamed. Wild rabbits can be sold for a lot of money in the town. Many people like to eat this kind of game.

  "Okay, Mom, thanks to you, I haven't eaten rabbit meat for a long time."

  Tang Guoer scratched her head and smiled, "I'm good at spicy stir-fried diced rabbit. Mom, just wait and eat."

  Then he thought, Lu Xuesong was going to deliver eggs to the town tomorrow, so he might as well go a little further and deliver some to his eldest brother and brother Qiao.

  Tang Guoer said this to Miao Lianhua and Lu Xuesong.

  Miao Lianhua's smile deepened. The two sisters had a good relationship and cared about each other. It was something that many people in the family couldn't hope for, so she naturally had no objection.

  As for Lu Xuesong, it was nothing to him just to walk a little more, and since it was Tang Guoer who mentioned it, he had no problem with it.

  The days in Xiahe Village are no different from those at home. If anything, they are busier.

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