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I went to Wang's house to make a fuss, and when I came back to clean up and rest, it was almost the end of the day. The sun was still bright, shining brightly in the main room, and a few wisps of spring breeze blew through, which was suitable.

  Chen Xuesheng was called home before he could even eat the porridge. Qiao Suiman simply filled a whole bowl of rice for him to take with him, so that Aunt Shui Fen and the others could try it.

  "Brother, I picked some white-flowered stink grass. You apply it first."

  White-flowered stink grass can be found everywhere in the village. It has a strong smell, but it can stop bleeding and remove blood stasis. It can also be used as medicine. There are many in the open space behind Qiao's house.

  Qiao Suiman picked a few plants and pounded them into juice, and gave some scraps of cloth to Qin Yu. Then he went to the kitchen and brought porridge to the main room.

  Qin Yu was quick with his hands and feet. He applied medicine to Qiao Ruifeng and tied the strip of cloth in a few seconds. With the temperament of the Wang family, the medicine and medicine would definitely be affordable. Fortunately, the wound was not serious, otherwise he would have to go back to the Wang family and beat the woman again. She couldn't stand it, but now someone else would take care of her. Thinking of this, Qin Yu felt much better.

  The three of them sat down in the main room, and Qiao Ruifeng said: "Xiaoman, there are a lot of people joining in the fun today, most of them are sensible and have helped us a lot. You can make some drinks in the future. Three buckets are probably enough." , let them have something to drink, and also let the rumors in the past change direction, it's not a loss."

  In the past, people in the village pitied the two brothers. After losing their mother at such a young age, their father could only ask for money to drink, and Qiao's grandma only wanted to sell land and indulge her son.

  Qiao Suiman was well-behaved and had a sweet mouth. She would shout "aunty" when she saw people, which made many women and husbands love her.

  Until two years ago, he and Qin Yu rushed to the market to set up a stall to sell drinks on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month. Lin Xiuhua and Li Da's mother Lin Cui were jealous, and they kept asking around but were blocked by them.

  Seeing that they could not get any benefit, these two people went around the village saying that they had suppressed their parents and killed their mother at birth. Li Hua, the grandma of the Qiao family, looked strong when Qin Yu came by, and soon after, they made arrangements to make Qiao Sui full. When she got married, she suddenly fell ill and passed away.

  The three of them became a tiger, and the rumors became more and more outrageous. In the end, many people really thought that it was Qiao Sui who was in trouble and ruined the family, and the Qiao family became what it is now. Because of Qiao Chengfu's alcoholic father, it was difficult for him to propose marriage, and as the reputation of the Ke family spread, no one dared to come to propose marriage.

  Over time, some men in the village and even Miss Shuang'er did not dare to talk to him. Fortunately, Qiao Suiman didn't take it too seriously. He lived his life for himself. If others said that his life was bad, was it really bad?

  He didn't believe it.

  But the world is harsh on women after all. Qiao Suiman knew that his brother wanted to take this opportunity to break the rumors in the past. He was always short-tongued. There were only a few people in the village like Lin Xiuhua, and most of them were kind. Come on. The good thing is that at least they won't follow the trend and spread nonsense.

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