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 The sun was setting in the west, the clouds were dyed golden, contrasting with the blue sky, and the evening wind still had a bit of coolness.

  The porridge at noon was not finished, so a small portion per person would be enough for another meal in the evening. For farmers, the midday meal was the most important, and it would be enough to heat up a few steamed buns together in the evening.

  The porridge and steamed buns heat up quickly. A small bowl of porridge plus a rough noodle steamed bun is not very filling, but I can only say that I will not go to bed hungry. In the past, when life was more difficult, they dug wild vegetables, boiled them in water and ate them whole.

  After a hard day's work, it was already dark after dinner, and the moonlight was like ink against water. The Qiao family was reluctant to spend money to buy candles. After dark, they took advantage of the moonlight to wash themselves and then went to sleep.


  The next morning.

  Qiao Suiman was carrying a backpack, and Hei Jin was running ahead.

  The tips and roots he wanted to twist today did not take up much space, and he was not going into the deep forest. A backpack was enough, and a larger bamboo basket was not

Thatch is very easy to grow and can be found all over the mountains. The leaves of thatch are stiff and most of the houses in the village are roofed with thatch. If it grows in the field and cannot be removed, you have to pull it out from time to time, otherwise it will prevent the crop seedlings from growing. The leaves are sharp and can cut your hands if you are not careful, which is very annoying.

  Because thatch was everywhere, Qiao Suiman dug at the foot of the mountain for a few minutes and dug half a basket, which was enough.

  There is a bamboo forest not far from the mountain. The villagers usually go there to cut bamboo for fences and dustpans. From time to time, some people dig bamboo shoots. Nowadays, the bamboo shoots are fresh and tender, good for eating at home or selling in the town. Yesterday, he cut three big ones, which can be sold for several pennies per catty.

  It was still early and it was not time for lunch. Qiao Suiman thought for a while. The bamboo forest was close, so it would be better to dig some bamboo shoots and take them back, so that there would be less rice for cooking. They are used to saving, so as not to let the bad-hearted people in the village find out that they have some money in their hands and tell Qiao Chengfu, so even if they have some spare money, they will not spend more, only to make the villagers think that all the money in the family has been taken by Qiao Chengfu. Ate wine.

  In the past few days, people often go up the mountain to dig bamboo shoots. There are not many of them near the foot of the mountain. The ones left are all small. Apart from the bamboo shoots and leaves, there are not many left. Qiao Suiman walked inside with Heijin.

  As expected, there were more of them further away. Qiao Suiman chopped down three of them that were as high as his knees and put them heavily into his backpack, which made him feel more at ease.

  I didn't bring any water when I went up the mountain yesterday, and I was very thirsty when I came down the mountain. Today I finally remembered that Qiao Suiman picked up the bamboo tube he was carrying and drank a few sips, looking around to see if there might be something he could take home to eat.

  By the way, bamboo fungus!

  Qiao Suiman suddenly remembered that there was a small slope not far from this land where bamboo fungus once grew!

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