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Everyone in this compartment was chatting and laughing. The dragon boat in Xiahe Village on the river was several feet away from behind, and it was far ahead from the moment it passed the bend. As expected, under everyone's gaze, Lu Dongqing and Qiao Ruifeng took the lead sitting in the front oars. Cross the finish line.

  When the stern of the boat had passed the finish line, the rowers all inserted the oars deeply into the water and paddled in the opposite direction of the dragon boat's forward direction. The dragon boat, which was originally moving very fast, stopped in place.

  A set of movements flowed smoothly, and the people watching on the shore were excited, and their cheers and shouts seemed to break through the sky!

  "Good job!"


  "What a great job!"

  The county magistrate did the same, nodding his head and laughing twice: "Xiahe Village! Not bad!"

  As soon as the county magistrate spoke, the wealthy businessmen below naturally followed suit, and some scholars who came with him also wrote poems on this topic.

  Next to Qiao's cart.

  "First!" Chen Xiasheng jumped three feet high and shouted when the dragon boat in Xiahe Village crossed the line.

  "Maybe we will get the first place this year!" Chen Ping said excitedly, while Zhou Shuifen and Chen Xuesheng nodded repeatedly.

  Qiao Suiman and Qin Yu's eyes also fell there. Qin Yu looked at his man with a proud expression and smiled from ear to ear.

  Qiao Suiman's eyes couldn't leave Lu Dongqing's eyes. Even though he knew he shouldn't stare at people too much, he still looked at him uncontrollably.

  Lu Dongqing was seen pulling at his collar and breathing heavily. His face was red after the violent action. Because he had just won the first place, he was smiling happily, as if he sensed something. Looking from a distance, come over.

  The two people's eyes met and they looked at each other from a distance. They felt that the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and they could no longer hear the noise next to them. Qiao Suiman slowly blushed, her breathing became irregular, and she looked away in a panic.

  He, he never looked over.

  Lu Dongqing's smile became brighter and brighter. Unexpectedly, he thought he had won the first prize. He touched the things in his arms with his big hand and slowly paddled towards the shore with his other hand.

  "He looked towards us!"

  "Did you see me?"

  "What are you thinking? I feel like he is looking at me."

  "Tsk, stop being so sentimental. You're obviously looking at me."

  "I said that's enough for you two. Are you ashamed? It's embarrassing."

  Several young girls near the stall gathered together and chewed their ears. The content of the discussion made Qiao Suiman both happy and a little sour.

  Why was this happening? He couldn't understand himself more and more. Lu Dongqing was in the limelight. He should be happy for him, but why did he feel sour in his heart, even a little unhappy.

  He was startled by himself, and before he could think about it, he was interrupted by the people who came to make trouble.

  "You are heartless, why don't you come home with me!"

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