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 It's Chen Xuesheng.

  Qiao Suiman opened the courtyard door and smiled, "Okay, I'm chilling."

  "My mother asked me to come here early in the morning. You can give me the injection first, so as not to lose it in a while."

  "I've cooked three barrels. Others don't dare to tell me, but you must have enough."

  Chen Xuesheng took four bamboo tubes, entered the yard, sat down, and put them on the table.

  Qin Yu opened the wooden cover, filled a full tube first, then tied it back and said, "Xue Sheng, take this tube back first. Uncle Ping will take it with him when he goes to town to drink."


  Before Chen Xuesheng could ask Qin Yu how to fight Lin Xiuhua yesterday, he was called home for dinner. He was very curious, so he got up this morning without his mother having to shout. At this moment, he ran home and back in a hurry.

  "Brother Qin Yu, tell me how you beat Aunt Lin yesterday."

  Qiao Suiman was also curious in her heart and looked directly at Qin Yu like Chen Xuesheng. The two are similar in age and hang out together all day long, and their eyes and movements seem to be carved out of the same mold.

  Qin Yu couldn't help but laughed out loud. He rubbed their cheeks with both hands and said funnyly: "How else can I hit her? Her mouth is not clean." Thinking of what that shrew Lin Xiuhua said, the smile on his face faded, "I don't usually work much, so I grabbed her with some strength, slapped her twice, kicked her a few times and threw her to the ground."

  "It's so happy. It's a pity that I didn't see it, otherwise I would have applauded you." Chen Xuesheng looked regretful, as if he missed some great event.

  "As if I didn't know about you, when those aunts and husbands came, you were the one who hid the fastest, and you still cheered." Qiao Suiman revealed ruthlessly.

  Ever since Chen Xuesheng got engaged, the ladies and husbands in the village loved to tease him, but the wedding date was postponed for a year, and now Chen Xuesheng ran away when he saw them.

  As expected, Chen Xuesheng had a bitter look on his face when he mentioned this matter. Those people kept asking him if he had ever made clothes for Wang Qi. The marriage was postponed and he was not in a hurry. They even asked him how many children he wanted when he entered the house. It was really a headache.

  "Don't talk about this. If you sit here for a while, I will go home to avoid running into them."

  Qiao Suiman chuckled secretly and filled up the remaining three bamboo tubes.


  "Brother Man, your skills are getting better and better."

  "No wonder they sell faster than others when going to the market, and they give more at a cheaper price, unlike those who always make a lot of money."

  The person who spoke was Feng Jiehe, an old man from the village. After dawn, people came to Qiao's house one after another to get drinks. Most of them left after finishing their drinks. After all, there was work in the fields at home.

  Some people who don't have to worry too much about family affairs stay at Qiao's house and chat a few words, such as Feng Jie and others.

  When several couples sit together, they always have endless things to talk about. From the north of the village to the south of the village, everyone can talk about every little thing in their family.

The Husband Made His Fortune From Bamboo Milk TeaWhere stories live. Discover now