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The enthusiasm on Qiao Suiman's face lingered for a long time, and Lu Dongqing also took a long time to break away from the ecstasy. The memory of Qiao Suiman's sudden quarrel with him not long ago came to his mind. He came to think of it and moved closer to Qiao Suiman. He asked in the ear: "Did you read it in the story book? That's why you ignored me that day and thought about giving me this gift, right?"

  Qiao Suiman didn't say anything. He didn't know what he had done wrong. He actually did this. It was impossible to admit it. He could only cover it up in silence.

  When he didn't get a response, Lu Dongqing didn't feel impatient. He held the man and talked nonstop. In summary, he was happy and excited. He repeated a few words over and over again, successfully making Qiao Suiman feel sleepy.

  He thought there would be another tough battle today, but he was not satisfied with this. Qiao Suiman smiled lightly and fell asleep slowly. He didn't know how long Lu Dongqing kept talking to himself.

  The next day, Lu Dongqing was like a dog-skin plaster, sticking to Qiao Suiman's side. Except when sending Yinzi to the town, she even had to sit next to him with a lantern. Qiao Suiman couldn't bear it and said, "Be normal!"

  After being scolded, Lu Dongqing calmed down a little. Qiao Suiman simply ignored him and put the filled sausages under the eaves with Miao Lianhua to dry. During this time, she bought twenty kilograms of meat one after another until the time before. It took a few days to fill it all up, and I also made a lot of bacon and fish, which were neatly arranged on the wooden rack, which made people happy to see so much food. The families next door were very envious when they passed by and saw so much food.

  The other families in the west of the village were all refugees, and most of them only had one or two people. One person simply found a job in the town that provided food and accommodation. Two brothers from one family went to work as long-term workers for the wealthy man He in Hexi Village. I just came back during this period.

  Qiao Suiman has almost never met these neighbors. It is precisely because of this that the village feels that the Lu family is really extraordinary. The new house is built, the husband is married, and the business is doing so well that it suddenly becomes the village's favorite during the New Year. People talk after dinner.

  Qiao Sui didn't care whether she wanted to talk about sex or not. Today, she would get her wages from the restaurant!

  On the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, the New Year atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger on the streets. Every household is busy cleaning and preparing New Year's goods. Qiao Suiman and Lu Dongqing have to buy many New Year's goods after delivering drinks today.

After hearing from Manager Fang that the restaurant would not be closed during the Chinese New Year and the money earned could be several times higher than usual, Qiao Suiman took advantage of the situation and brought up the business of selling his wife.

  "Are you really willing to sell the prescription to me?" Manager Fang said in surprise. It's not like he has never had this idea, but the contract has been signed and he can't go back on it, and he has seen Qiao Suiman's hard work during this period. He never took more raw materials, and later saved him a lot of raw materials. He was a down-to-earth person.

  Qiao Suiman nodded: "Those things I gave you earlier are just a thank you for giving us such a big business. I also thought of two drinks. You can try them out first. If you are satisfied, I will buy them. If you don't buy them, I will teach you." The cook made the same drinks as before."

  Manager Fang was very excited, "Okay, then you can make it first and let me try it. A customer happened to ask when the new flavor of the drink will be available."

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