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He returned home happily, but when he walked in, Qiao Suiman felt a little uncomfortable. There were many chickens and ducks, and even if the weather was cold, there would still be the smell of chicken and duck manure. However, in summer, when the smell was stronger, he didn't feel uncomfortable, but now he felt nauseous.

  Qiao Suiman suppressed the discomfort. Lu Dongqing noticed it and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Are you tired from the journey?"

  "No, it's okay."

  Miao Lianhua came out from the backyard to greet them. Qiao Suiman smiled and called "Mother", then went to the kitchen to fill a bowl of hot water, drank a few sips, and finally felt less uncomfortable.

  After unloading the cart, Lu Dongqing tied the big boy to the backyard. In fact, he didn't need to take him with him, so the big boy went there on his own initiative.

  Miao Lianhua sensed something was wrong and asked Lu Dongqing: "Is Xiaoman feeling uncomfortable?"

  Lu Dongqing was also surprised that he was fine along the way. He told Miao Lianhua truthfully, "He said he was fine. I just saw him swallowing several times."

  After tying up the big boy, Lu Dongqing returned to the kitchen in front and asked worriedly what was going on.

  Qiao Suiman regained his breath and said with a smile: "It's really okay. I don't know what happened just now. I just need to get over it and it will be fine."

  Lu Dongqing pursed her lips, "Maybe I'm tired these days. I'll go see the doctor tomorrow."

  "I don't want to go, I said it's okay."

  Ever since the incident at the Huichun Hall last time, Qiao Suiman was embarrassed to go again. Now he felt that he was fine and refused without thinking.

  Lu Dongqing frowned. He couldn't force the person over if his husband didn't like it, so he could only pay more attention to it. If he really felt uncomfortable, he would definitely have to see a doctor.

  "Okay, tell me if you still feel uncomfortable."

  Qiao Suiman said playfully: "I know."

  Lu Dongqing smiled and shook his head, with a look of doting on his face.

  "Xiao Man, let's kill a chicken tonight!" Miao Lianhua happily grabbed a big capon from the backyard.

  I bought the capons when they were half-grown. I bought five of them in total and raised them for two months just for the Chinese New Year. Whether I eat them at home or give them as gifts, they are more affordable than buying adult chickens now.

  Qiao Suiman responded with a grin: "Okay, Mom, I'll boil the water."

  "Okay, let me drain the blood first."

  There was still plenty of firewood in the kitchen, so Qiao Suiman didn't go to the miscellaneous room to get it. He scooped a pot of water from the water tank and bent down to burn the firewood. Lu Dongqing had nothing to do, so he simply went to the yard to chop firewood. There was never too much firewood. Sometimes they didn't have enough firewood in town, and they had to spend dozens of coins to buy it.

  The firewood was strong and the water boiled quickly. Qiao Suiman poured it into the wooden bucket and carried it to the yard. The chicken had already been bled and only needed to be scalded and plucked.

  The hot water was steaming. Miao Lianhua grabbed the chicken feet and rolled the chicken body in the water a few times, and a fishy smell came out.

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