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Another few days passed.

  "Brother Man, are you going to the restaurant again?"

  Feng Jie and several other women and husbands went to the town on the same road as Qiao Suiman and asked.

  Within three days, word spread in the village that Qiao Suiman was making drinks for a big restaurant in the town. They had brought so many drinks out for several days in a row, and they would know it after asking around.

 Qiao Suiman didn't want to hide anything. He answered when asked, but kept silent when asked about his wages. After doing this several times, everyone knew his attitude and did not continue to ask.

  Lu Dongqing finally finished carving eighty bamboo tubes. This morning, he and Qiao Suiman went to Qiao's house to make drinks and then pulled the cart to the town.

  Originally, he could just drag him to the town, and Qiao Suiman didn't have to go with him. Now the drinks are selling better and better in the restaurant, and the customers all know that they belong to him, so it doesn't matter if they don't come. But the two of them wanted to take advantage of the year before to check out a few more shops so that they could buy them as soon as they could save enough money, so they rushed to the town.

  After answering their words, Qiao Suiman smiled apologetically, "Sister Feng, aunts, we have to hurry, let's go first."

  Lu Dongqing also lowered his head to signal.

  "Chengcheng, go quickly, don't delay the business." Feng Jie waved forward and said.

  When the two of them walked away, she sighed: "How long has passed, both of them have completely changed."

  "In the past, that boy from the Lu family had a fierce look on his face, but now you can't tell it. The look in his eyes when he looks at Brother Man makes him water."

  "I just got married, so it's not sweet. Brother Man is getting better and better, and he still has the look of swallowing his anger like before."

  "You said these two people's fates are really strange, and they are surprisingly good together. Guaguai, we can't even think about doing business with a restaurant. Chen Ping is great at delivering food to people, and now there are so many One should earn more than the Chen family!"

  Several people talked about it, and Feng Jie smiled, "No, do you know how much the drinks in the restaurant cost?"

  "How many?"

  "Stop being so pretentious and tell me quickly!"

  Feng Jie counted with his hands, "Twenty-five cents per tube!"

  A woman opened her eyes wide and said, "How much? Twenty-five?! What kind of fairy jade dew is this!"

  "Oh my God, twenty-five cents is enough to buy a piece of meat!"

  "Then they must be making crazy money."

  Looking at their surprised expressions, Feng Jie nodded with satisfaction, "Oh, the money is earned by the restaurant. Brother Man just took other people's things to help, and a few cents is enough. What do you think of someone else's restaurant?" There is no such thing as a good person. If someone from the countryside is willing to hire me, it's considered good."

  "Just a few pennies?" The woman curled her lips for a moment, "That's really not worth it. You have to work hard and have someone take the money away."

  Several other people also looked like they had lost a lot of money.

  But Feng Jie lowered his head and smiled secretly. Qiao Suiman brought two bottles of drinks to her house yesterday. After they exchanged greetings, he realized that he wanted her to help him keep quiet. The villagers in the province were jealous when they saw that they had a relationship with the restaurant. , it would be bad if there were any more rumors. After all, Lu Dongqing had to deal with the bamboo in front of him, so it was good to be prepared for a rainy day.

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