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 "Is it really delicious?" The man said amusedly when he saw his wife's surprised expression.

  "Really, take a sip." The woman said, raising the bamboo tube and handing it to her husband's mouth with a smile.

  The man followed his wife's actions and took a sip. His eyes widened suddenly and he said in surprise: "It's true! It has a burnt aroma, sweet and sour, and the aroma of tea blends well."

  After that, he took two more sips and kept nodding, "This is the first time I've tasted such a special taste. Then Brother Qiao is quite good at making it."

  "Yeah, I always sent people to buy it there before. The taste of his store is really different from other stores."

  Qiao Suiman was not far away. After hearing their conversation, his heart finally fell back into his stomach, and the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably. They praised him for making good drinks!

  Qiao Ruifeng stood beside Yourong and said with a smile, "Shopkeeper Qiao's craftsmanship is pretty good."

  "That's not the case."

  After Qiao Suiman finished speaking, he felt a little embarrassed. He looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that no one was paying attention to them.

  Two more tables of people came from behind. They were very interested when they heard that there was a drink sold there, but like the man in front, they asked if it was really the drink the magistrate drank during the Dragon Boat Festival.

  When Manager Fang saw this, he simply asked the two brothers Qiao Suiman and Qiao Ruifeng to go to the middle of the hall and let them have drinks. Each of them was given an extra fifty cents.

  Qiao Suiman was naturally happy, but at first he felt a little uncomfortable when he stood in the middle of the lobby. The people coming and going were all from well-off families, which was different from when he set up a stall in Dongshi. By noon, there were more and more guests. He and Qiao Ruifeng kept drinking wine and had no intention of thinking about anything else.

  The customers here are cheerful. When a family comes to eat, four or five tubes are taken out at once, and the bamboo tubes are used up in no time. Those who order later only use porcelain bowls to serve them first. For this reason, some people and steward Fang complained.

  Manager Fang could only explain over and over again that today was the first day of trial sales, and there were only thirteen bamboo tubes, so you could only use them if you came early. Once the bamboo craftsman had finished carving them, everyone could be put in bamboo tubes.

  After trying to calm down the guests, Qiao Suiman was drinking in the lobby while answering other people's questions.

  Qiao Suiman immediately noticed the women and husbands who had just entered, and greeted them cheerfully: "Aunt Xu!"

  "Yo yo yo."

  Aunt Xu was surprised, "Brother Qiao, why are you here!"

  Qiao Suiman replied with a smile: "I don't have the materials to make yinzi at home, and it happened that the manager of the restaurant wanted to order yinzi from me, so I came here to make it."

  Both the woman and the husband looked surprised. Who would have thought that the man who was setting up a stall not long ago would now be in the restaurant.

  Aunt Xu was particularly happy: "It is indeed the store I have set my sights on. Let me tell you, their stall will definitely get bigger and bigger."

The Husband Made His Fortune From Bamboo Milk TeaWhere stories live. Discover now