I What Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

I smiled to myself as i parked my car outside of the Stilinski home.

Stiles promised to help me study for the history test as he normally did when there was a big test.

He always left the door unlocked for me so i simply walked inside, my backpack clinging to my as i made my way to his room.

Stiles was sitting at his desk, his head buried in a book.

"Hello, boyfriend." I smiled as i walked up from behind him and wrapped your arms around him.

He placed his hands over my arms and unhooked them, turning around to face me.

His normal cheerful and loving gaze was now annoyed and disappointed.

"What's up?" I furrow my brows as i watch him. 

"Really?" He asks, stand

ing up, careful not to even brush against me.  "Uh, yeah?" I watch him as he walks to his bed, but just stands beside it and turns to me. 

"You kissed Scott."  "I what?" I yell at the absurd accusation. 

"Lydia told me. She saw you." Stiles gestures his hand out to me as his face contorts with disgust and betrayal. 

"Well, she's lying! Why would I kiss Scott? You're my boyfriend." 

"Why would Lydia lie about it?" Stiles challenges. 

"Because she likes you? I don't know. Why don't you ask her?"  "She wouldn't lie about something like that, y/n." Stiles runs a hand through his hair.  "You've got to be fucking with me. We're really doing this again?" I scoff at the number of times Stiles has taken Lydia's side over mine. 

He swears he's no longer interested in her but he always takes her side.

Of course, I understand to an extent, they went through a lot together when he came to nogitsune.

I weren't around for it seeing as i transferred months later but I  heard the stories.

I understand the two are important to each other, however, that's not excuse for him to constantly take her side.  "Doing what again?" Stiles questions. 

"You know what," I  let out a sigh and shake my head. "Call me when you get your head out of Lydia's ass." I turn on my heels and exit his room, slamming the door behind me. 

I were offended and hurt that he would ever think i cheat on him, especially with his best friend.

I weren't a cheater and i couldn't stand those that did cheat. It was disgusting, degrading, and dehumanizing.

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