XXL condom? Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

Yes, Scott. You can go to the bathroom." Finstock chuckled, "No, Coach-" Scott stopped. "I know the answer." "Risk and reward." I raise my eyebrows, proud, and looked to Stiles who looked just as surprised. His eyes met mine and he shrugged. "Who are you and what did you do to McCall- you know what? Don't answer that.

I like you better." Coach smiled, pointing at Scott who was nodding triumphantly. "So there's risk-" Coach started, placing a mug on the ground. "And there's reward.

Does anyone have a quarter?" Stiles raised his hand before digging it into his jeans pocket.

He grinned when, I'm guessing he found the coin, and pulled his hand back out.

Along with it, a packet flew out, landing on the floor in front of Finstock.

Stiles jaw dropped as he nervously looked around. "Thank you. And- congratulations." He nodded, placing what he dropped on his desk. I leaned over and looked at the label.

XXL condom? Oh my god... Stiles head snapped to me, his cheeks red. I averted my attention back to Finstock. "Danny, risk or reward?" "What's the reward?" He shrugged. "Reward- you don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow." Coach shrugged back, smiling.

Coach-" Danny spoke up. "It's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it." "You know, Danny-" he sighed, shaking his head. "I really expected more from you." The bell rang and we all gathered our bags, quickly exiting.

I almost ran to my locker, trying to avoid the awkward condom conversation.

Why did he even have those? We haven't even had sex yet. Was he expecting to soon? Why did he need XXL? I saw Stiles walk up to me in the corner of my eye, him messing with his hands nervously. "Hey." He sighed.

I quickly turned to him and gave him a weak smile. "Hi." I said, my voice barely came out as a whisper.

So we need to talk." He slightly mumbled. "About what?" I asked innocently, playing stupid. "I know you saw." He sighed, looking down at his feet.

"Saw what?" I shook my head, continuing my act. "The-freakin' condom I dropped, Y/N." He exclaimed, looking back at me almost annoyed. "Oh. That." I breathed out, shutting my locker.

What's there to say?" "I need to explain why I even had that in the first place." He groaned, grabbing my hand.

Stiles looked around before pulling me into an empty classroom. "You don't have to-" "Yes I do. I can practically see the wheels turning in your head." He grumbled, throwing his bag on the desk.

I slowly took a seat, waiting. "Okay, okay. Um...." He trailed off, trying to think of how to even begin such a conversation. "Where'd you get it?" I asked.

Scott." He sighed, leaning on the table.

And he gave you an extra extra large condom because...?" "He's been-" he groaned, rubbing his face.

"Bugging me, really, about keeping you and that I'm not showing you enough and-" I cut him off by leaning completely over the table and putting my lips on his

. I didn't keep them there long, but enough for him to move his lips against mine. "You do. And, for McCalls information- sex isn't exactly the answer." I smiled, picking up my bag.

"Wait- what does that mean?" He quickly said, gathering his stuff and following me towards the doorway.

"It means- keep that condom in your pocket.

Who knows, you might need it soon?" I smirked and away. When I got far enough, I turned around to see his jaw dropped, staring at me from the doorway.

He regained consciousness and stuffed the packet back in his pocket.

Little did I know, we'd use it that very night.

The end.....

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