Camping Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

One day while your close friend Stiles was telling his crazy stories from camp you made the mistake of saying that you never went camping and well now your in the middle of the woods with Stiles, a tent, a small camp i, a bag of marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate, a sleeping bag, and a small back pack. 

So far you had about a million mosquito bites and you were dirty and muddy. 

So, when is camping supposed to be fun?" You asked Stiles.  "It is fun! Nature is fun." He replied. 

Yeah, and so is staying at home and watching Netflix." You mumbled.  "Come on, let's have some s'mores. Doesn't food cheer you up?" You quickly got up.  "You bet it does." You two pulled over two logs to sit on and grabbed 2 sticks. You punctured your marshmallow and put it by the fire.

While you were waiting for it to be perfectly toasted, you felt eyes on you. You looked out of the corner of your eye to see Stiles staring at you with his beautiful golden brown eyes.  "Um Stiles," You said. He snapped out of his daze.  "Sorry, I was just staring into space like I usually do, nothing else just thinking.

I mean about camping,"  "Stiles-" "Like not about you or anything I'm not a creep just about nature and things like that and-" "STILES." You shouted.  "WHAT?" He asked. You pointed to his marshmallow which was on fire. He screamed and threw it on the ground making a mini fire.

But of course you weren't paying attention to your marshmallow either and it caught on fire too. You threw it but it landed on Stiles' shirt and his shirt caught on fire.

You both started freakig out. So much that Stiles jumped jnto a river near by. You stomped out the mini fire on the ground.  Stiles came out of the lake, his shirt wet and clinging to his body.  "Well that was an experience." He said, grabbing his sweatshirt and putting it on. 

"Yeah let's never do that again. Anything with fire can never be trusted with us." You said, laughing. He laughed also.  "Hey, wanna star gaze?" Stiles asked randomly. You shrugged.  "Why not?" So you two laid down on the ground and looked at the twinkling dots in the sky.  "That's Orion's Belt (More like O'BRIEN'S belt. Eh? EH??)And there's the Big Dipper.

And look, there's the Virgo sign!" Stiles said, pointing to the sky.  "I don't see anything." You told him.  "Yeah I don't either I was just trying to impress you." He admitted, laughing.  "Your such a dork." You replied laughing.  "But seriously.

I don't get how people can see stars. Like all I see are bright sparkling dots in the sky, they make no form or anything. It's frustrating really." You said. Stiles looked over at you.  "I know I don't know much about stars but I know that they don't sparkle as much as your eyes." He said.

You slapped his shoulder.  "Shut UP, that was so cheesy." You said, laughing.  "Well I DO like your eyes. They look like a big ocean." He said.  "My eyes are brown..." You told him.  "A big...muddy ocean..." Stiles added. You laughed and looked back at the stars.

Then back at Stiles to see him looking at you.  "Okay your staring kind of creeps me out." You joked.  "I'm sorry you're just..." He hesitated, trying to think of the right words to say. "Beautiful." He finished. And then before you knew it you two were kissing. After about a minute you let go, with your eyes still closed.  "Well that was..." You started,  "Different." Stiles finished for you.  "Good different." You said smiling at him. Maybe camping isn't so bad after all...

The end.....

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