Argument Thomas

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Y/N's POV.

Y/n you aren't going into the maze!" Thomas shouted in your face as you scrunched up your nose and stormed away from him.  "I don't care what you say's not gonna stop me." You grunt as Thomas followed you as you start walking towards the maze more.  "Don't you understand that you might die in there!" He shouts as he gets on your final nerve and you spin around. 

Don't you understand that I can't just stay here all day and wait around for you Thomas! Firstly I turn up here and you flirt with me, then you kiss me and then walk away and leave me all hot and bothered and now you decide to be an asshole!" You shout at him as he storms up to you.

"Is this what this is about? You getting upset because you want more than just a kiss?" He asked, his face just inches away from yours. 

You go over what you just said in your head as you weren't thinking right.  "N-no." you manage to stutter out as Thomas smirks at you.  "I'll give you more than a kiss!" He said as he smashed his lips into yours, his hands travelling around your body as they land on your ass and he gives it a tight squeeze.

Your hands are in his hair as you tug at little hairs making him moan. 

His hands wander to the front of your pants and he slowly slips down two fingers and pulls at the brim of your underwear that was showing. 

"Thomas..." You moan as you pull back from the kiss.   You can see he wants to do more and now is your chance to get revenge.  

"Close your eyes." you say as you get down on your knees.  

He closes his eyes as you pretend to fiddle with his belt but then you stop and use this chance to sneak off. 

Thomas quickly opens his eyes when he notices that your not doing anything.  He looks up to see you running off, he runs after you and tackles you to the ground. 

Him hovering over you and your hands pinned by your side.   "Oh no, you don't get away that easily." He says before smashing his lips into yours again.

The end.....

Book 1 of Dylan O'Brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now