Study Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

You quickly blow dried your hair and brushed it all out. You put on a tad bit of make up, and put on a cute outfit.  "Y/n, you look gooood." You said to yourself in the mirror. Today Stiles Stilinski was coming over to study. You and Stiles went on a couple of dates. You weren't exactly boyfriend and girlfriend, you just went out with him a couple of times. Nothing official or anything...sadly.

You hoped that someday he'd ask you to be his girlfriend. 

You heard the door bell ring.

You flattened out your hair once again, took a deep breath and opened the door. In the doorway was of course dorky Stiles with a goofy smile on his face.  "Heyyyy." He said, walking in and kissing your cheek.  "Hey, wait where's your text book?" You asked him. He smiled. 

Whoops. Guess I forgot it. Now we have to share a text book I guess." He said, winking at you. You shook your head, grinning. 

If you're trying to be like smooth peanut butter Stilinski, it's not working, you're more like chunky peanut butter." You told him.  "I have never heard of that before but it's fine cuz I like peanut butter." You rolled your eyes and you were about to guide him to the kitchen when he stopped.  "Do you play?" He asked, pointing at the big piano in the corner. You shrugged.  "Yeah, but it's no big deal or anything." His eyes brows raised.  "No big deal? Can I hear you then?" You all of a sudden felt shy and you blushed. 

Um okay." You whispered. You walked over to the piano and sat on the bench. Stiles sat down next to you.  "This is called Piano Man-" "By Billy Joel right?" Stiles interrupted.

You nodded, smiling.  You placed your hands on the keys, and closed your eyes. Your fingers moved swiftly across the keys.

You flowed beautifully and when you were done, you sighed and opened your eyes to see Stiles staring at you with his mouth hanging open. You giggled a bit.  "So...did you like it?" You asked.  "Liked it? I loved it! You could be a prodigy!" He exclaimed, taking your hands and gazing at them. 

Doesn't it make you special that these hands," He pushed your hands in your face, "Can make such beautiful music?" You nodded.  "Yeah, I love playing the piano. But I'm definitely no prodigy." You said.  "You're just being modest. Can you teach me a song? Like an easy one though." He asked.  "I can teach you Mary Had A Little Lamb." You suggested. He shrugged.  "Why not? I do like lambs." He said, smiling.  "I thought you said you liked peanut butter?" You asked, giggling. He shrugged again. 

I like both." And so you taught him. And it was kind of hard. You grabbed his hands and placed his fingers in the formation.  "So this is C, and that's D and that's E. So like basically the scale is A,B,C,D,E,F,G. And that's it. No H or anything. It just ends there. So after G it goes back to A." You explained. 

Why isn't there any H's?" He asked. You shrugged.  "There just isn't." You said, not knowing what to say.  "That's racist to H's." He joked pretending to be mad. You rolled your eyes playfully.  "I don't think the H's care." You said, laughing.  "Oh so now you think H's don't have feelings? I didn't realize how heartless you were until now." He said, shaking his head.

You shoved him playfully and he laughed.  "Okay back to Mary Had A Little Lamb." He said, putting his hands back in position. After about 2 and a half hours

(he was very slow at learning to play the small song)

he finally finished the song.  "Okay ready? Now play it." You told him, smiling. He began slowly playing it, his fingers stumbling on the keys a bit.

You expected that from him though, with his big muscular hands.  "Here," You said putting your hand on top of his hand and began playing with him.  "You just wanted to hold my hand didn't you?" Stiles teased, with a lop sided grin.  "Well I wouldn't have to if you didn't suck at the piano." You joked. He pouted.

You shook your head and gave him a peck on the lips.  "I have an idea, how about instead of playing endless hours of the piano, we can just listen to music?" Stiles suggested.  "I'm guessing you're giving up with the piano?" You asked.  "No it's just-yeah I am." Stiles said awkwardly, laughing.

You shook your head, smiling and went to put on the radio. You laid down on the carpet with Stiles. He turned to your side to face you and you did the same.

He lifted up his hand and tapped on your nose.  "Boop." He said, while doing it.  "Stiles, what are we doing? We have a test tomorrow and we didn't even study!" You groaned, face palming yourself.  "I'd rather spend time with my girlfriend." He grinned. You froze. 

"Girlfriend?" You asked, with your eyebrows raised.  "Uh yeah. What else would you be? My friend?" He asked, with a 'duh' tone. You smiled to yourself.  "Yeah, your right. Studying can wait." You agreed.

The end....

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