Study Buddies Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

You were amazing in every single subject. A+'s in ever single class...except for math. You sucked at math, especially with what you were learning now. All you saw on the board were mixed up letters and random numbers and you were extremely confused. 

Like most students, you didn't want to tell the teacher you didn't understand because A, the other kids would laugh at you, and B, you would take up the whole classes time by asking your stupid questions and let's face it, it will take years for you to understand and then the other kids in class would be mad at you. So yeah. 

Today in math class you were trying your very best to understand but you just couldn't so you just ended up writing your boyfriend Stiles' name over and over again in different color highlighter in your notebook.  "So does anyone know what the answer is?" Your math teacher asked.

No one raise their hands or said anything.

Only the occasional grunt.  "Fine then. I'll ask someone who always has the answers. Miss Y/n what is the answer?" Your head snapped up and you gulped staring with big, confused eyes at the black board.

You looked around the classroom, biting your lip as people were rolling your eyes, whispering things like, "Teachers Pet" and stuff. You chewed the inside of your mouth.  "Miss Y/n? Your answer?" Your teacher asked again. But you were too busy frantically trying to figure out the math problem. You felt someone nudge you.

You turned your head slightly to see Stiles, who was sitting in the desk next to you.  He mouthed to you, "You okay?" You nodded, smiling slightly.  "Y/N." Your teacher shouted. Your head quickly turned to her's and you said something no one was expecting.  "I don't know." You whispered. Everyone either gasped or snickered.  "Well I'm very disappointed in you Miss Y/n," She said as you blushed at people laughing.

You sunk down in your seat. Stiles grabbed your hand and gave you an encouraging smile.

You smiled back weakly as you spent the rest of the class not paying attention to anything. 

The bell finally ran and you were the first person to run out.  "Hey y/n!" Stiles called.

You stopped and waited for him. He finally caught up and put his arm around your waist.  "How about you come over to my house later and we can study?" He asked. You shrugged.  "I don't know I feel like I'll never understand!" You complained.  "Oh come on! I'll teach you! We can be study buddies!" He exclaimed.

You sighed, laughing slightly and thought about it.  "Why not?"  After school you rode with Stiles to his house.

You both walked upstairs and as soon as you got in his room, dumped all your textbooks on the floor.

You both laid down on your stomachs on the bed as he began to teach you everything.  After about 3 hours of studying you were still just as confused.

  "No, you put the 2 there." Stiles said, pointing to the paper.  "What? No I would put the X there." You told him.  "Wha-X? Where the heck did you get an X from? DO YOU SEE ANY VARIABLES IN THIS EQUATION????" He shouted.  "Ohhh that's a multiplication sign, not an X.

Whoops." You said. Stiles face-palmed himself and he looked over your work.  "I don't even know how you got 103379.2355 for your answer. The answer is 8." He said. You groaned and put your head down on his shoulder.  "I'm hopeless." You said, your voice muffled by his shoulder covering your face.  "You are not. You're just...very hard to work with." He said, trying to find the right words.

You rolled your eyes and flipped back on his pillow. 

I don't know what I'm going to do about this test coming up." You told him. He laid down next to you, and kissed your forhead.  "You're going to be just fine.

With my smartness and good looks, you'll get this within a week! If you just keep practicing and studying with me." He exclaimed.  "What do your good looks have to do with anything?" You asked, laughing.

He shrugged.  "Nothing, I just wanted to say I'm good looking." You laughed again and slapped his shoulder as you continued to study.

The end......

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