The flowers Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

You were going on a date with your boyfriend Stiles. You and Stiles have been dating since sophomore year of high school. You graduated high school 6 years ago and you and Stiles were still going on strong. 

You just finished taking your shower and you were about to get dressed when you heard someone stomp up the stairs. You froze. 


You were kind of used to murderers and all that since, well you know, the whole werewolves thing.  "Y/N?!" You heard a familiar voice call. 


Y/n, you aren't even dressed yet? I told you to be ready by 7:30!" He said through the face palmed yourself.  "ohhhh. 7:30! I thought you said 8:30!" I said. He sighed.  "I'm sorry y/n, I thought it was 7:30, NOT AMATEUR HOUR." He shouted. You rolled your eyes.  "Okay okay, sorry I'll quickly get dressed and put on a little makeup then we'll be on our way, I promise." You said.  "Okay, I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just a little nervous." He mumbled.

"Nervous? For what?" You asked. He hesitated.  "Nervous...for your dress. might get wrinkled if you put it on too quick! Yeah that's good, Stiles." He said, mumbling the last part. You furrowed your eyebrows together.  "Okay...

I would ask what's going on but you're Stiles so everything's weird with you." You told him, shrugging while you get your dress on.  When you came out his jaw dropped.  "See? My dress is fine, no wrinkles." You said.  "You look, beautiful. Gorgeous actually. Majestic even." He rambled.  "Majestic? What am I, a unicorn?" You asked, laughing. He put his arm around you and you two walked to his jeep.  "You can be WHATEVER you want to be y/n." He said.

  Finally you got to...well you didn't know. Stiles didn't tell you where you were going. He quickly got out of the car and opened your side of the car open for you and covered your eyes.  "Stiles tell me where we're going." You whined.  "No because then it wouldn't be a surprise! Now do you trust me?" He asked.  "Meh." You teased, shrugging your shoulders.  "we're almost there." He told you.  Finally after walking for a while, Stiles stopped walking.  "Okay, ready?" He asked.

You nodded, almost bursting with curiosity and excitement. He let go and you looked around to see your at some sort of giant garden.  "Wow," You breathed, "It's beautiful." Stiles smiled to himself and grabbed your hand.  "That's not all.

He said, guiding you to a large building.  "What is this? Like a garden factory or something?" You asked.  "Yes y/n, it's a garden factory. It's where they make metal flowers. NO ITS JUST A RANDOM BUILDING!" Stiles shouted. You rolled your eyes and you went in the building. There was a man at a desk.

He looked at Stiles and winked. What the heck? You thought. You two walked to the elevator together and Stiles pressed the button to the top floor.  "I think that guy had a crush on you.

He winked at you." You said, giggling while nudging his arm.  "Yeah I'm sure that's it." Stiles said, rolling his eyes. He then licked his lips and scratched his head repeatedly.  "You okay?" You asked him, concerned.  "Yeah! Fine. Perfectly fine." He assured you. Finally you reached the top of the building, or the roof of the building. You two walked over to the ledge.

You could see the whole garden and everything around you.  "It's gorgeous!" You exclaimed.  "Yeah. I guess. Look at the garden." He said, nervously. You looked at the garden.  "Yeah it's pretty." You said, shrugging.

You walked to the other side of the roof and looked at the other side of the garden. Stiles frowned and pulled you back over to where you were before.  "No but really look at the garden." He said again. You raised an eyebrow and looked at the garden again.  "It's beautiful. Really.

Flowers are really nice." You said, still not sure why he's so obsessed with the garden. Stiles grabbed your face and made you look at the garden.  "Y/n. Look. At. The. Garden." He told you.  "Are you crazy??" You exclaimed.  "Just look at it really hard! Please!" You sighed and looked at it, staring at it. You finally clapped your hands.  "Ohhh I see it! The flowers are different colors so it looks like it forms different words!" You said. 

Yeah well can you read the words?" He asked, slightly annoyed. You turned back to it.  "Sure. It says, Y/n- hey that's my name!" You giggled.  "Keep reading."  "Okay. Y/n, will, you marry me? -Stiles."


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It took you a second but as soon as your realized he was proposing to you, you froze. Then you turned around to face Stiles to see he was kneeling on one knee with a little black box that was open. It had the most gorgeous ring in it. You covered your mouth with your hands.  "Y/n y/l/n.

We have been together since sophomore year of high school.

You somehow stuck with me through all my awkward phases, which I'm still going through, and all me sarcasm and the supernatural stuff and well I'm not really good at proposals. I kind of forgot to prepare for this part.

You're the most AMAZING girl in the world y/n and I love you with all of my HEART.

and I would throw myself off a cliff if you ever left me. you wanna marry me?" Stiles asked.

You stood, frozen.  "Uh are you gonna say something y/n? Cuz I feel like I'm about to pee my pants here." You let out a sob.  "Yes You said throwing your arms around him and kissing him over and over again.

  "I had it planned out perfectly. You were going to see the writing in the garden and then I would propose and everything...but uh it took you a little while to realize." He said, laughing.  "Yeah, sometimes I'm really oblivious." You said, while sniffing. Stiles smiled. 

Well? We're freaking getting freaking married who knew I would be the first one to get married out of the whole pack ? Stiles sad, hugging you again.

You laughed.  "Come on, let's go tell the rest of the pack." Stiles said, pulling your hand.  "How did you even get this huge garden anyway?" You asked.  "Derek." Stiles responded.  "Derek ? You said. Stiles nodded.  "I guess he likes flowers or something." Stiles said, shrugging. You giggled.  "Maybe he can be the flower girl at our wedding.

The end...

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