Creepers Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

You walked down the hallways, saying hi's and smiling your bright smile to everyone in the hallways.

You stopped at your locker and opened it getting your books out. You were popular. Not like Lydia Martin or Jackson Whittemore popular. You were just the type of popular that everyone likes. Lydia liked you, Jackson liked you, Allison liked you, Liam

(I know Liam and Jackson and Allison never appeared together )

Kira liked you, even Coach liked you. You were friendly to everyone and you would stand up for anyone being bullied or anything. You didn't JUST hang out with the populars you hung out with everyone, the geeks, the goth's everyone! Not to mention you were beautiful, a great smile and perfect eyes and hair. You sighed contently and looked in the small mirror in your locker, applying more lipstick.

Stiles's POV.

Y/N Y/L/N." I whispered, watching her from afar. "What about her?" A voice asked. I jumped and turned around to see Scott. "Oh only that she's THE MOST PERFECT HUMAN BEING EVER." I exclaimed.

Scott peered around the corner to look at you. "Yeah but no offense dude, every guy likes her. I don't know how...I don't know how she would pick someone like..." Scott started, trying to find the right words. "Like what?" I egged on. "Like you." He mumbled. I stared at him with a blank stare. "Uh says the guy who landed a totally hot girl that JACKSON LIKED.

You won over Allison, that means I can win over y/n." I said. "But...I'm a werewolf." Scott said. "Okay?? I'm pretty sure Allison didn't just like you for your...werewolfness.

And I'm very good looking if that's what your getting at. Any girl would be lucky to have me!" I exclaimed. Scott rolled his eyes. "Fine then ask her out. Right now." He said with a half smile. My mouth dropped open.


I thought you said being a werewolf didn't matter!" Scott exclaimed. "Dude, you and I both know I was lying about that." Scott shook his head and grabbed my shoulders. "Bro, you're a good looking dude. You're funny, and smart and clever and if she says no then she's crazy." Scott said, giving me a pep talk.

I'm starting to think that you're starting to like me..." I joked. Scott rolled his eyes. "Now go!" He said, lightly pushing me. "Am I really doing this?" I asked him. He nodded and pushed me harder. I stumbled a bit, then took a deep breath and walked up to her.

I leaned against the locker next to her's, trying to be cool. "Hey." I said, cooly. "Hi!" She exclaimed, smiling her perfect smile.

I lost it at that smile. Everything I was going to say, POOF, went gone. "U,uh, uhh you look, nice today." I stuttered, avoiding eye contact. Scott, from far away face palmed himself. "Thank you! That was very sweet of you." She said, smiling even bigger than before.

Yeah I was wondering no this is stupid you probably don't even know who I am." I said, sighing. She furrowed her eyebrows together. "I know who you are. Stiles Stilinski.

You sit next to me in History." My eyes widened. "You know who I am?! Wow, this is, wow. I'm noticeable, I'M NOTICEABLE." I shouted in victory. She giggled. Her laugh could cure cancer it's so perfect, I thought.

Well if my laugh could cure cancer I would probably be laughing ALL the time." She joked. "Wait, I said that out loud?" I asked, putting my hand over my mouth. "Yeah, but it's fine. It was actually kind of cute." She said, smiling at me.

You're cute." I blurted out. I covered my mouth again. She laughed. "Well thank you. Wow, two compliments in one day, what's the special occasion?" She asked. THIS WAS MY CHANCE.

"Well um, I, i, i , i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i," i constantly stuttered. She waved a hand in front of my face. "You okay?" She asked, laughing slightly. "Yes, I," I sighed, "Do you wanna go out with me?" I finally asked. She looked surprised before a grin broke out over her face.

You know what's funny? In History I constantly stare at you, not in a creepy way, just staring. I always thought, he never notices me. I always wished we were better friends...more than friends. Iv always liked you. So the answer is, yes.

Yes I will go out with you." She finished. My mouth hung open. I quickly closed it. "Great! And in History I always stare at you too! Then you look at me and I'll stop!" I exclaimed. "Well that's amazing, we're both creepers. Shall we be creeps together?" She asked, holding her arm out. I linked arms with her. "We shall." I said smiling. We walked away to History leaving Scott standing in awe from afar. "THATS MY BOY!" He shouted, pointing at Stiles.

.......... "And that, kids. Is how I met your mother." Stiles finished. "So tell me again why you told the whole story of how we started dating to a bunch of stuffed animals?" You asked, looking at the lined up stuffed animals in front of you. "I don't really know.

Maybe because the author doesn't have any other way to end it so she just made it like this?" Stiles suggested. "What author?" You asked him, confused.

I don't know...that just came out. Like someone was controlling me..." Stiles trailed off. "Weird." You whispered. Stiles nodded, agreeing.

The end....

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