She's Here Stiles Stilinski

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Stiles's POV.

  "I'm actually nervous." I sat down beside Scott, pulling my gloves on.  "Because y/n is going to be here?" Scott smirks.  "Since we left her out of the supernatural stuff, and she doesn't go to Beacon Hills, it's actually really good with her."  "That's great, bud. I'm really happy for you."  "Thanks, man." 

Y/N's POV.

You parked your car in the parking lot of Beacon Hills before finding your way to the lacrosse field. Stiles invited you to his lacrosse game. You two were..almost together, you both agreed to take it slow and steady. 

You walked onto the lacrosse field, find number 24 quickly.

Scott turned to you before tapping Stiles' shoulder and he turned, an instant smile stretched across both your faces.  "She's here." You heard Scott say. 

He runs over, kissing you on the cheek. "Glad you came."  "Wouldn't miss it for the world," you smile, looking him up and down. "You look..really good."  "Thanks, as do you my lovely lady." He smiles, turning  and extending his elbow, motioning for you to take his arm. 

He escorts you to bleachers, kissing your forehead before going onto the field. 

You watched as Stiles made a few plays, impressing you quickly. 

An hour later, Beacon Hills was declared the winners, Stiles with the winning shot. 

You were running before you even knew it, you collided with him, wrapping his arm around his neck, laughing.  "I'm very impressed, Stiles."  Then you were kissing.

You pulled his head down, standing on your tip-toes to meet his lips.  His hands found your waist, pulling your body into his as he kissed back.  "Slow is overrated

The end....

Book 1 of Dylan O'Brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now