Training together Mitch Rapp

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Y/N's POV.

He quickly grabs hold of his gun, pulling the strap over his body in record time as he aims for the target in front of him.

You watch as he does it, finding it incredibly attractive.

You were involved in helping him 'become ready' with Stan Hurley, he'd told you about his no dating rule and so far you'd stuck by it.

Mitch had never shown any interest in you anyway, his mind was constantly focused on becoming better and stronger.  You sighed, walking away from the shooting range.  "Y/N." I hear a familiar deep voice call after you. 

You spin around and see Mitch putting his gun down and walking towards you.  "Yes, Mitch?" You ask as you raised your eyebrows, something he found incredibly attractive but he shook that thought out of his mind.  "Are we still training together later?" He wondered. 

You nodded, "why wouldn't we?"  It was a regular thing, every Friday you'd both train together and he'd show you how much he's improved since the last time. 

Later that day you arrived in the training room, you looked around and your gaze finally landed on a shirtless Mitch as he threw punches against a punching bag. You found it hard to look away until you snapped out of your daze. 

You cleared your throat to announce your presence and he immediately stopped and turned to you, his eyes raking over your body.  "Hey." He said, grabbing his t-shirt and pulling it on.  "Hey." I replied, Mitch couldn't keep his eyes off of you "show me what you've got."  You dodged his punches and throws as you ducked and dodged out the way of his fists, staying at a safe distance from him.

You were keeping up with him until he crouched and swept your feet from under you. 

Suddenly he'd pinned you down and was hovering over you, his face inches from yours as his whiskey, brown eyes flicker towards your lips causing your breathing to hitch. 

He'd been wanting to make a move ever since he first saw you, ignoring the rules he leaned down towards you, his lips brushing slowly over yours- teasing you.  "Just do it already, Mitch." I groaned, tired of waiting. 

He pressed his lips against yours, his hands roaming under your thin tank top.

The touch of his warm hands sent shivers through your body. 

He pulled away slowly, his eyes still locked on yours, "shall we take this somewhere more... private?" He asked huskily. 

I nodded, too stunned for words. 

He jumped up easily and held out his hand for you, grabbing it he pulled you up in one swift motion and he dragged you back to his room where you ended up spending the night.

The end.....

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