Insecure part 1 Stiles Stilinski

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Third Person.

Oooo that looks bad." She says cringing at the giant scrapes on Stiles's back.

He quickly pulls his shirt down both boys turning to her in confusion and shock. "Excuse me! What! Why were you looking?" Stiles shouts at her.

You just revealed your scars in public, am I supposed to just walk away awkwardly?" She crosses her arms.

Yes!" Stiles shouts. "Okay fine, but next time just show your boyfriend your scars in the bathroom." She rolls her eyes walking into the school.

He's not my boyfriend!!" Stiles shouts. "Whatever you say!" She keeps walking her back turned. "He's not! We're just friends!" "Stiles. Just leave it alone.

Scott tells him patting his shoulder as he helps him into the school. "But! She! Just!" "I know. I know. Let's go buddy." Scott drags him away from the stairs.

Skipping time ⏭

Psst. Hey! You! Girl!" Stiles whispers to the girl in front of him. "What?" She turns to face him with an annoyed look. "You were the one! Outside! Looking at me!" He accuses her with a whisper. "I look at a lot of people. With my eyes." She nods a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

He rolls his eyes in response, "I mean looking at the scratches on my back." "Oh! That I did." She nods turning her head back to the front of the class. "Whoa! Hey! Don't turn your back on me!" He raises his voice and suddenly the classroom is silent.

He looks around seeing everyone staring at him while the girl smirks at him. "Would you like to share something with the class, Stilinski?" The Coach questions. "Nope." He shakes his head slowly sinking into his seat to avoid the tension.

Detention for you." He points at Stiles who nods his head, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. "That's what you get." The girl whispers. "You too!" Coach points at her. "What! I didn't do anything!" She shouts with her arms out in exasperation.

Now you did!" He shouts back. She sighs and crosses her arms leaning back into her seat.

After the commotion Coach continues class again and she can hear Stiles whisper, "That's what you get." Making her blood boil in frustration. When the bell rings twenty minutes later and everyone packs up she turns around abruptly. "You got a lot nerve Stilinski!!!" She shouts at him.

Me! Says you!" He gestures to her. "You're the dick!" She argues. "You're the one that looked at my back!" "Geez! Didn't know you were so insecure!" "You're insecure! You keep bringing me down with every chance you get!" "That doesn't mean I'm insecure!! You're just easy to tease! Deal with it!" She shouts.

Before he can retaliate Coach interrupts, "Hey! I'll add another hour if you both don't get the hell out of my classroom!" "You know I didn't ask to get detention! I'm sorry it bothered you so badly that I looked at your back! Next time I won't even bat an eye at your insecure ass!" She shouts grabbing her stuff quickly and stomping out of the room.

She leaves before he can open his mouth and argue back.

He groans in annoyance when Coach laughs and grabs his bag to walk to his next class.

He looks around for the girl to yell at her again but sees her arguing with a guy at the lockers.

Stiles watches them closely the girl's arms flailing around as she shouts and the guy using his height against her.

He watches the tall guy say something causing the girl to shout the words, "It's over!" And shove him before stomping away.

Before Stiles can even process the locked breakup she's already gone into a different classroom.

Stiles sighs and goes to his next class taking a seat next to Scott. "You okay?" His friend questions. "I'm fine." Stiles breaths out. "You seem annoyed." He comments. "There's a girl." He sighs in annoyance.

You have a problem with a girl?" Scott raises his eyebrows in shock. "Yes! She's so annoying and is so obnoxious! Plus now I have detention with her.

The whole thing sucks." Stiles slumps into his chair.

Skipping time ⏭

Stiles walks into the classroom and sees the girl reading a book already.

He sighs and takes a seat at the table next to her. He glances at her seeing her immersed in her book. "What's your name?" Stiles questions wanting to know the name of the girl who annoyed him so much.

She stays silent not glancing at him as she keeps her focus on her book. "Are you really going do this?" He raises an eyebrow.

Silence is her response as she turns to the next page of her book. "You're being immature." He says trying to get her attention.

You know none of this wouldn't have happened if you were a normal human being." He crosses his arms. "Another hour for you Stilinski." Coach says. "What!" "Don't make me add another hour!" He threatens making Stiles close his mouth and cross his arms.

Stiles huffs and looks at the girl seeing her smile.

In response he can't help but grin in return.

The rest of the hour Stiles sits in silence, staring at the clock as the minutes pass by slowly.

Once the big hand in the clock hits the four.

The girl starts to pack up making Stiles grumble. "My name is Y/N. See ya Stilinski." She swings her bag strap over her shoulder before walking out. "Wha- " Stiles whispers after she leaves the room. "You're pathetic." Coach comments with a snicker.

The end.....

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