The Locker Room Mitch Rapp

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Y/N's POV.

With a loud thud, I feel my body landing smack on the mat for the thousandth time today sending waves of pain throughout my body. "Got you again Y/L/N." My training partner for today, Garrett, says before pinning me to the floor and giving me the same sickly smile he always does.

You know we keep finding ourselves in this position, some might call it destiny." I groan and roll my eyes. "I never believed in destiny," I say bluntly before catching him off guard and knocking him off his balance, pinning him to the ground. He grunts in response but chuckles.

Confused I hold him down and stare at him. "It's okay baby, you can be on top if you want, I don't mind." My stomach knots up and I push off of him. "You're disgusting." I seethe.

I walk over to get my water bottle subtly glancing over at Mitch who is pretending he's watching Jake and Ken when really his eyes are fixed directly on me.

I give him a look saying that I'm handling it but Mitch is a jealous bastard and the only thing that's stopping him from ripping Garrett's throat out is our jobs.

Mitch is a trainer and advisor for the recruiting department and I'm a recruit. If people knew that we were together one of us would probably be transferred to a different field office immediately.

He sends me a small nod trying to stay calm and returning to coaching the others.

Out of breath, I chug some of my water desperately but unfortunately, my moment of cool, refreshing, bliss is cut short by none other than Garrett. "What are you doing? Rapp didn't say we could break yet, and we were in the middle of a good round." He says crossing his arms and staring at me intently.

I roll my eyes again and set my bottle down forcefully. "I don't train with men who are too distracted by my tits to actually fight." He huffs but continues to try to play it cool. "What can I say they're good tits." He says leaving me absolutely appalled.

"Fuck off," I say harshly before walking away to go sit on the bench and wipe off my sweat.

I watch the other trainers finish up their drills but mainly I focus on Mitch who divides his attention between the trainees and Garrett who still has his eyes fixed on me from across the room as he whispers with Ben.

Finally, after everyone is done Mitch blows his whistle. "Recruits! Line Up!" He barks. We all hustle to line up in the center of the room, shoulder to shoulder, and at attention. "You all had a good session today but you still need work.

You are all sloppy and are out there acting like I haven't taught you a goddamn thing!" He says making us bow our heads in embarrassment. "I expect more from all of you, and tomorrow you better show up ready to go.

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