Just Like High School Dylan O'Brien

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Y/N's POV.

Do you think your mom will like me?" Dylan asks while keeping his eyes on the road as he drives.  I look over at him and smile.

Of course she'll like you. Why wouldn't she?"  Dylan and I have been dating for about six months now and I'm finally taking him to meet my mom. I've been hesitant but she really wants to meet him and honestly when I told him he was pretty excited himself.  He shrugs.

"I don't know... it's just I know that you guys are really close and I want to make a good impression."  I put my hand on the one he isn't using to drive. "I love you and I know she's going to love you too. Trust me."  "I do..." He smiles and kisses my knuckles. "You know this means you have to meet my parents too if all goes well I mean.

I laugh and nod. "It's a deal."  Upon arriving at my mom's Dylan gets out our bags from the back and I lead him up to the door. "Just be yourself," I say and he nods.

But don't make any inappropriate jokes and no PDA my mom hates that kind of stuff."  "Okay, babe I'll be on my best behavior I promise." He says and without warning knocks on the door.

It's now or never."  My mom opens that door and I immediately hug her. "Hey, kiddo!" She says excitedly. "I'm so glad you're home!"  "Hey, mom!" I laugh as she lets us in.

I let her go and step to the side. "Mom, this is Dylan... Dylan this is my mom."  Dylan extends his hand to her and they shake. "Hi, it's so nice to meet you Mrs. M/L/N."  "Boy has manners Y/N, I like that. It's nice to meet you too Dylan. I've heard a lot of great things." I blush extremely hard as they share a light laugh. 

My mom brings us inside. "Dyl my room is down that hall you can throw the bag in there." He nods and walks off quietly. 

When he leaves my mom leaves in. "You're right, he's cute! Didn't know we were already sharing a room but that's okay..." She teases me in her typical fashion. 

My mom and I have always been super open about almost everything so I don't mind her casually embarrassing antics. 

Dinner goes extremely well and I'm actually quite surprised that Dylan has managed to keep his sailor mouth and dirty mind under control.

After we decided to help my mom by washing all the dishes and cleaning up the wonderful dinner she made.  "That went so well!" I tell him excitedly as I hand him a plate to dry. 

"Yeah I-" He goes to say but we are cut off by my mom. 

She sighs. "I'm sorry Y/n I just got called into work, I'm so sorry I feel awful, you guys are only here for a few days and -"  "Mom it's okay I understand." I smile walking over to her and giving her a hug. 

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