My dog Jaw Dylan O'Brien

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Y/N's POV.

You were in an interview with Dylan, reading tweets from the fans about each other and you two as a whole.  "Alright, this one comes from stilesisthebae on twitter and she asks, 'Do you think Stiles and 
Y/C/N have a chance?'" Hmm," Dylan smiles. "I would say so, they just have a such bonded relationship that I thinks one of them has to take it to the next level."  "Alright, your turn." You smiled at him. 

Okay, this one come from teenwolfgivesmelife on twitter and she asks, 'Do you guys have chemistry outside the show as well?'"  "I would have to say yes, I mean, in the show we are best friends and also outside the show we are as well.

I'm currently staying with Dyl and Posey so it bonds us all closer I would say." You smile.  "I agree on that. Even though you're sleeping in my bed.

Dylan smirks.  "I said we could share but no can't sleep with me."  "It's because of my dog jaw isn't it?"  "What is a dog jaw?"  He pokes his jaw, smirking at you.

Feel right here."  You reach over, about to press your fingers against his jaw but he turns his head, biting at your finger. 

You jumped, almost falling out of the chair but caught yourself.  "Why did you do that?!" You yelled, laughing though. 

He laughed in answer.

The end.....

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