Secret relationship Thomas

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Y/N's POV.

I smiled from a distance, watching as Thomas and Chuck talked under an oak tree.

His jaw line looked extremely prominent, and I looked as his muscular arms moved around as he used his hands while he spoke. God he was so hot.

Breaking my from my thoughts Thomas looked in my direction, and my cheeks reddened knowing he had caught me staring.

The boy sent me a mischievous wink, and to that I decided to simply look away. "Y/N, you coming?" Gally asked, pulling me away from what had just happened. "Yeah." I nodded, following him towards the area of where the gardeners worked. "Is there something going on between you and greenie?" He questioned. "What? Of course not," I scoffed while shaking my head.

My tone was believable, but due to how quick I had responded I feared there would be suspicion. "Good- because you know the rules.

No one is allowed to date you, due to you being the only girl it would cause unnecessary fights and problems." He reminded. "I know, we've had this talk for months." I stated. "Well I hope you've been listening, because if anyone finds out you've been dating someone- it won't end well," Gally informed.

Skipping time ⏭

As I continued walking through the woods attempting to collect fertilizer- a pair of arms pulled me to the side. I dropped the bucket due to the sudden movements, and I couldn't help the small shriek that escaped my lips.

Before an actual scream could leave my throat, a large hand covered my mouth. My eyes widened in panic, but I instantly relaxed as I became pinned against the tree and was met with the warm brown eyes that belonged to my boyfriend. "You scared me," I giggled. "Sorry," Thomas chuckled.

He instantly pressed his lips against mine, pressing his hands against the tree above my head. My fingers ran up and down his torso, as they slightly began lifting his shirt.

Thomas pulled away, "How long do we have?" "I'm suppose to get fertilizer we ran out of two days ago. . . so you tell me," A smile took over his face as he dove back in for a kiss.

I successfully tugged off his shirt and then threw it onto the ground as he then picked me up and pressed his back against the tree. My legs wrapped around his waist, and my fingers combed through his brown hair.

I quickly lifted up my shirt, and threw it onto the ground beside his.

Thomas turned us around once again, this time my back against the tree. His lips went from my mouth to my neck, and traveled down to my breasts.

A soft moan escaped, due to the pleasurable feeling of his lips against my body. "Shh," He hushed softly, traveling back up to my mouth. "We wouldn't want Gally finding out," Thomas reminded.

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