A Snowy Day Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

Y/N! Y/N!" You heard a voice shout. You opened your tired eyes and rubbed them to see your boyfriend Stiles leaning over you with a huge toothy grin on his face. 

What?" You asked in your raspy morning voice.  "IT'S SNOWING!" He shouted like a little kid.  "Cool." You said sarcastically as you put your face back in your pillow, only to have it swiped from beneath your head by Stiles.  "YEAH, IT IS COOL. I LOVE SNOW, COME OUTSIDE WITH ME!" You rolled your eyes but laughed at how adorable he was being. 

But I hate snow..." You whined, your mood changing a bit. He frowned.  "Well I need to get you out of bed somehow." He said.  "Good luck." You mumbled as you turned to your side.

It had been 5 minutes of silence and you thought Stiles gave up until you felt a bucket of cold water go on you. You squealed and jumped out of bed. 


"Yeah." He said like there was no problem with it. You sighed.  "Okay, fine we'll go outside." You grumbled.  "YAY!" He squealed. He then ran to go put his shoes on because he already had his snow outfit on. 

After you got appropriate clothes Stiles and you went outside.

There was A LOT of snow. Before you even had time to react to all of the snow you felt a snow ball being pelt at your face. 

You turned around to see Stiles with a lop sided grin on his face  with another snowball in his hand.

He threw it but you ducked. You angrily picked up another snowball but somehow it ended up looking like a square.  "Whatever." You muttered. You then threw it at Stiles and it hit him directly in the face.   "Hey, this is kind of fun." You said.  "Yeah anything's fun for you when it involves me getting hurt." Stiles said back. You laughed and continued throwing snowballs at each other until Stiles started running straight towards you. 

Before you could dodge him he tackled you. You fell on the ground and he started stuffing snow in your hat and down your shirt.

You pushed him off of you and you started play fighting.  After about 10 minutes Stiles and you were just laying on the ground. You began making a snow angel. You then stood up and giggled.   "I made a snow angel!" You said pointing at the snow angel. Stiles came up behind you and rested his head on your shoulder.  

You're already an angel." He said. You shoved him to the ground and threw a snowball at him.  "That was for that awful, awful pick up line." You said.  He laughed and grabbed your ankle and pulled you down with him.

You laid next to each other holding hands in comfortable silence.  "I love you." He whispered randomly. You smiled.  "I love you too." You said back.  Maybe the snow wasn't THAT bad...

The end....

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