Screw it Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

"Stilessss." I giggle as i pull away.

"Y/nnnn." Stiles mocks as he kisses you. "We have to get this essay done!" I look back at my book. "We can later." Stiles smirks.

"You didn't read the book, did you?" I raise an eyebrow. "Well....that depends on how you define reading the book." "I define it as reading the words on page 1 all the way to the end." I say in the same sarcastic tone he gave you.

"How would you define it?" "Uh...reading a few words here and there." "That's definitely skimming, ya dork." "Details."

"Do you even know what the book's about?"

"Uhhh....time travel!" Stiles says with confidence.

"Stiles, what's the name of the book?" I quickly move my book under my body so he can't see it. He stares at with wide eyes, clearly clueless. "Kindred, dude. It's about a woman who time travels back to the time of slavery."

"See, I have you to fill me in." Stiles smiles wide.

"Ugh." I pause. "Screw it." I say as you pull Stiles in and kiss him.

The end.....

Book 1 of Dylan O'Brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now