Training session Thomas part 1

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third person POV.

Y/N walked throughout the trees, looking for a certain amount of dirt to fill up in a bucket. Newt had requested she go and run an errand, considering she was one of the only people who wasn't concerned with touching a worm.

Although it was a bit strange a bunch of teenage boys were the one's grossed out by a worm, it didn't bother Y/N the least bit because it gave her a chance to clear her mind.

She stopped at a random area, and bent down therefore she could scoop up the soil with her hands. "Gross," She grumbled, finding where someone had used the bathroom right near the area she was taking dirt from. "We have a bathroom.

After a few minutes of taking up dirt,Y/N heard the crunch of leaves echo throughout the woods.

The girl looked around, trying to find the source of who was out there. Usually, the only people who came out to those sides of the woods were those who've been stung. "Who's out there?" She questioned, standing up from her crouching position.

No one responded, giving the girl a reason to believe it was someone who had been stung. She dropped the dirt that was in her hands inside of the bucket, and pulled out the small spear she had made awhile back.

Y/N still received no response, which resulted in her taking steps closer to the source of the noise. "Whoever you are, just step out. It'll make this easier." She insisted.

The footsteps came closer and closer, and out of defense the confident girl gripped the small spear tighter.

Y/N brought it up, therefore as soon as the person stepped out she could launch the weapon. "It's your last chance." Y/N added. Before she could say another word, she felt arms around her waist.

The girl quickly turned around and kneed the person in the groin, and then pushed him onto the ground with the force of her hands.

The Asian grabbed his area in pain, and hit the ground with a loud groan. "Minho?" Y/N questioned in disbelief. She squatted down beside him, and then placed her hand onto his shoulder. "What are you doing out here?

"What in the bloody hell– . ." Newt cut himself off as he walked out of the area the original noise was coming from. "Why did you hit him?" The blonde boy questioned.

"I- I thought he was going to kill me! What are you two doing out here?" Y/N questioned, shooting up from her position next to Minho.

"We came out here to pull a little prank on you, clearly it didn't go as planned." Newt explained.

"Yeah, obviously." Minho breathed out, his voice strained from the hard impact onto his soft spot. Y/N sighed and then reached out her hand to him, offering to help him up.

Minho slowly took her hand, and together they both had him standing back onto his own two feet. "God, seems like the amount of times you hit me I'd be used to it by now."

The girl simply shrugged, and a small smirk took over her face. "Race you guys back to the track hoes?" The three exchanged glances, and without an official starting word, they all broke out into a run.

Minho began taking the lead, until Y/N decided to push everything she had at the last few yards. Once she had done so, she won by a long shot.

"Dammit, Y/N I almost had you!" Minho groaned.

The girl chuckled, and then wiped the sweat that glistened on her forehead, "The day you beat me in a race, will be the day I'm diagnosed with an illness." Minho jokingly gave the girl a shove, which then resulted in her playfully giving him one back.

Within seconds Newt was breathing heavily and jogging up to the other two. His legs were shaking if as though he were going to collapse. "I haven't ran in quite awhile. It seems as though you forget not everyone is a runner." Minho and Y/N exchanged glances as they chuckled, and then breaking their giggles Alby approached the two of them.

"Y/N, Minho– I trust the two of you had a good day." The two nodded, "We finished a route early, so it gave us a few hours to come hangout with the other people." Once Minho had finished his statement, he placed Newt in a headlock, and messed with his hair teasingly. "I see." Alby spoke, and then looked to the only girl in the glade full of boys. "Y/N, I have a job for you. . ."

Skipping time ⏭

"You want me to what?" She questioned, crossing her arms in shock. She looked down to the male who was resting comfortably onto a hammock, while she stood in front of him in anger.

Alby had brought her to a location where no one was around, and Y/N couldn't believe what Alby was asking her to do.

Not only did he want her to recruit a runner they don't need, he wanted it to be the greenie. Y/N had nothing against him, she just didn't think he had been in the glade long enough.

Not to mention, he had yet to prove what he could and couldn't do.

Who was to say he wouldn't make it but a mile, and want to turn back? Or he would get sick on the way? Or start throwing up everywhere? "I want you to work with the greenie, and get him ready to go into the maze. I want him to become a runner.

I think—" "You've got to be shucking crazy!" She exclaimed. Y/N was perfectly content with her small group of runners– she wasn't in the mood to train another one. "Y/N. . ." Alby's voice became deeper and more of a warning. "This isn't a request.

This is an order." The girl rolled her eyes, thinking the entire idea was crazy. "Fine." She spoke up. "But when he starts throwing up all over the place during training– it's not gonna be my fault." With her final words she stormed out, and ran off to find the greenie she needed to start training– also known as Thomas.

The end part 1

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