Movie night Stuart Twombly

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Y/N's POV.

Stewie Twombly ❤️ : you're still coming over for the movie, right? ;) 3:41 pm

Me :  yup :) that's if you still want to... 4:51 pm

Stewie Twombly ❤️ :  of course. wth took you so long to reply? you had me worried plans were cancelled 4:56 pm

Me : lol my bad, I fell asleep. I'll be there around 7? 4:58 pm

Stewie Tombly ❤️ : yeah, but I'll have to come up with an excuse for the group not being able to come. you know how they like to crash our movie nights... or any other date. 5:01 pm

Me : just tell them we plan on doing other things ;) 5:02 pm

Stewie Twombly ❤️ : I've tried that, multiple times... even on the times it's true. they apparently like you more than me?? 5:04 pm

Me : I'm just likeable ;) tell them that I'm sick and you're going to take care of me. I'll be there at 7 :)) 5:10 pm

With that, I placed my phone on the charger and got into the shower.

Stuart works at Google, and I take college classes at Standford. He's twenty-two and I'm nineteen- we met at a restaurant a few months ago while he was with his friends from Google, and I was there with a few classmates.

Him and I instantly had a connection, and within a few dates- we were official.

Due to the fact of us meeting with his friends: Billy, Nick, Neha, Lyle, and Yo-Yo, they assume they need to join us on all of our dates.

The first few times we were alone, and it was wonderful- then one at a time the others began joining.

It started with Neha, her boyfriend broke up with her and I felt bad, so I suggested she tagged along with us to the fair.

Then Yo-Yo's mom had been giving him a hard time, so Stuart invited him to the movies.

Lyle felt left out, therefore he invited himself to our next date- and Neha and Yo-Yo assumed it was a group date, so they joined. Of course Billy and Nick weren't going to be left in charge of the next project, so they joined too. Then it became more of a regular thing.

Stuart tried letting them down nicely, and even rudely- but every time they hear we're going out, or even hanging out at each other's houses, they feel the need to stop by. . . and not leave.

Once I had finished showering, I began getting ready for our movie night.

Skipping time ⏭

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