Switching Sides Mitch Rapp

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Y/N's POV.

I've been working with Ghost for quite a few years and he's trained me to be quite the hit woman, not that I wasn't a great one before because I was. I've killed over a hundred people that was in danger of exposing what Ghost had planned and I haven't been caught yet, which has impressed a lot of his men since I'm a woman.

I'm the one person that he trusts the most, hence why I'm always at his side when he goes on missions.

We arrived in yet another country, Ghost obviously running from something as I try to figure it out, but not succeeding in any way. I'd contemplated on asking him, but that's probably not a good idea.

He hates talking about his own demons.

I walked up to the receptionist in the hotel lobby, giving him a charming smile as he smirked, looking my body over.  "How can I help you miss?" He asked and I leaned in, showing a bit of cleavage, motioning him to come closer.

He leaned in, licking his lips as my lips are pressed to the shell of his ear.  "I'm in dire need of a room, but I don't have any money. Maybe... you can help me out and I can repay you in another way." I nibbled his earlobe as he shuddered, a moan escaping his lips, nodding his head vigorously.

When I pulled away from him, biting my lip as he stumbled over his footing, a bulge present in his pants, grabbing a key for me.

I read his name tag, Luke, as he handed me the key, his eyes drifting towards my breasts again. I blew him a kiss as I walked away, getting into the elevator pressing the number forty.  "I got it," I mumbled, walking off the elevator as I unlocked the door, walking into the suite. "The number's 47."  "Great job, Y/N. I knew I kept you around for a reason." I rolled my eyes at his statement, sitting down on the bed in one of the bedrooms. Kept me around. Motherfucker, you need me.

I heard the door to the hotel room open, deep voices flowing throughout the whole room as I stood up, going into the bathroom to wash my face.

There was a knock on the door to the room I had claimed and I dry my face off with the towel that's hanging up before walking back into the room, seeing Ghost leaning against the doorframe.  "Sir? Did you need something?" I asked and he nodded his head, motioning me to follow him.

We walked into the living room area where his men started setting up computers and shit.  "I need you to go out and eliminate this man.

He compromised himself and I want him dealt with before he has the chance to talk," Ghost mutters and I take a closer look at the laptop, narrowing my eyes as I take in the man's looks, remembering every detail.  "Yes, sir," I mumbled, taking out my phone, snapping a picture of the man before walking back into my room, placing my suitcase on the bed, unzipping it.

I pull out the various guns I own, laying them onto the mattress as I pulled off my shirt, throwing it onto the floor near the closet.

Slipping my Jeans of and, throwing to the same spot as my shirt, I put on a dresses

I sat down on the bed, pulling my army boots on, tying them before tucking my throwing knives into them.

I make sure my gun has bullets before inserting it into the back of my dresses.

I let out a small sigh as I left the hotel room, getting into the elevator, getting a ride to the lobby. My phone went off, tugging my phone out of my back pocket, I saw Ghost had texted me details of the target's location.  "Mid Rise restaurant, huh?" I locked my phone, shoving it back into my bag as the elevator dinged, the doors opening, revealing the beauty of the lobby.

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