The Spider Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.  

You were laying on your stomach on your bed flipping through some magazines. You glanced up at the alarm clock to see the time when you saw a spider.

It was tiny, but even the thought of it crawling around on you while your sleeping and crawling in your mouth or anywhere caused you to scream.  Stiles, your boyfriend, came running in with his baseball bat.  "WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?!" Stiles screamed.

You were now standing on top of your bed.  "T-T-THERES A- A" You stuttered.  "A WHAT? A WEREWOLF? A KANIMA? A KITSUNE? A VAMPIRE, WHAT?" Stiles shouted. You pointed at your wall where the spider was crawling around.  "K-K-KILL IT." You shouted at him.

He looked at you with wide eyes, and to your surprise jumped on the bed with you.  "ARE YOU KIDDING?! THE SPIDERS FAMILY COULD GET REVENGE ON ME AND THERE COULD BE A WHOLE NEW SUPERNATURAL SPIDER MONSTER MIX AFTER ME!" He shouted. 

"Wait, YOUR SUPPOSED TO KILL IT! YOUR THE BOYFRIEND!" You shouted.  "STILES STILINSKI DOES NOT DO SPIDERS." He said. He was clinging on to you like his life depended on it. You were losing feeling in your arm. 

"STILESSSS. We have to kill it SOMEHOW." I told him. He shakily got off the bed, and quickly grabbed his bat, jumping back on the bed just as quick. With his hand shaking, he put the bat on the spider and smooshed it.  "Stiles, I think it's dead." You said.

He shook his head.  "I just need to make sure it's dead, okay?" After about 2 minutes he let go to see spider guts all over his bat and a bit on the wall.  "Eww." You whispered.

Stiles started gagging as he wiped it with a tissue and threw it down the toilet.  "That's, that's disgusting. Oh I think I'm gonna, I think I'm gonna throw up." He then vomited into the toilet as you rubbed his back.  "My hero." You said, sarcastically while rolling your eyes.

The end.....

Book 1 of Dylan O'Brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now