Saving Myself (Law and Order)

Oleh LaurenLove18

25.3K 465 928

Olivia had been through a lot. she'd lost herself. Including someone really important to her.. could she save... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1♡
Chapter 2♡
Chapter 3♡
Chapter 4♡
Chapter 5♡
Chapter 6♡
Chapter 7♡
Chapter 8♡
Chapter 9 ♡
Chapter 10♡
Chapter 11♡
Chapter 12♡
Chapter 13♡
Chapter 14♡
Chapter 15♡
Chapter 16♡
Chapter 17♡
Chapter 18♡
Chapter 19♡
Chapter 20♡
Chapter 21♡
Chapter 22♡
Chapter 23♡
Chapter 24♡
Chapter 25♡
Chapter 27♡
Chapter 28♡
Chapter 25♡
Chapter 26♡
Chapter 27♡
Chapter 31♡
Chapter 32♡
Chapter 33♡
Chapter 34♡
Chapter 35♡
Chapter 36♡
Chapter 37♡
Chapter 38♡
Chapter 39♡
Chapter 40♡
Chapter 41♡
Chapter 42♡
Chapter 43♡
Chapter 44♡
Chapter 45♡
Chapter 46♡
Chapter 47♡
Chapter 48♡
Chapter 49♡
Chapter 50♡
Chapter 51♡
Chapter 52♡
Chapter 53♡
Chapter 54♡
Chapter 55♡
Chapter 56♡
Chapter 57♡
Chapter 58♡
Chapter 59♡
Chapter 60♡
Chapter 61♡
Chapter 62♡
Chapter 63♡
Chapter 64♡
Chapter 65♡
Chapter 66♡
Author's Note♡
Chapter 68♡
Chapter 69♡
Chapter 70♡
Chapter 71♡
Chapter 72♡
Chapter 73♡
Chapter 74♡
Chapter 75♡
Chapter 76♡
Chapter 77♡
Chapter 78♡
Chapter 79♡
Chapter 80♡
Chapter 81♡
Chapter 82♡
Chapter 83♡
Chapter 84♡
Chapter 85♡
Chapter 86♡
Chapter 87♡
Chapter 88♡
Chapter 89♡
Chapter 90♡
Chapter 91♡
Chapter 92♡
Chapter 93♡
Chapter 94♡
Chapter 95♡
Chapter 96♡
Chapter 97♡
Chapter 98♡
Chapter 99♡
Chapter 100♡
Chapter 101♡
Chapter 102♡
Chapter 103♡
Chapter 104♡
Chapter 105♡
Chapter 106♡
Chapter 107♡
Chapter 108♡
Chapter 109♡
Chapter 110♡
Chapter 111♡
Chapter 112♡
Chapter 113♡
Chapter 114♡
Chapter 115♡
Author's Note
Chapter 116♡
Chapter 117♡
Chapter 118♡
Chapter 118♡
Chapter 119♡
Chapter 120♡
Chapter 121♡
Chapter 122♡
Chapter 123♡
Chapter 124♡
Chapter 125♡
Chapter 126♡
Chapter 127♡
Chapter 128♡
Author's Note
Chapter 129♡
Chapter 130♡
Chapter 131♡
Chapter 132♡
Chapter 133♡
Chapter 134♡
Chapter 135♡
Chapter 136♡
Chapter 137♡
Chapter 138♡
Chapter 139♡
Chapter 140♡
Chapter 141♡
Chapter 142♡
Chapter 143♡
Chapter 144♡
Chapter 145♡
Chapter 146♡
Chapter 147♡
Chapter 148♡
Chapter 149♡
Chapter 150♡
Last Authour's Note!🥰

Chapter 67♡

183 3 8
Oleh LaurenLove18

(Amanda's P.O.V)

"Carisi.." I was laying down and I heard my boyfriend snoring. The girls were playing and we decided to get 5 minutes to ourselves. "Yeah?" He was so cute. "The girls are really quiet. I wonder what they are up to." Carisi placed his arms around me. "They may be playing together or something." I nestled my neck into his. I liked where we were in our relationship right now. Checking my phone, I saw a few missed calls. Al had called again. "Amanda.. what's up?" Checking my phone, I deleted the numbers. "To be honest with you, Al keeps calling." Carisi asked if he needed to get some legal advice. "I wanna try and handle this myself. I don't want it to affect Jessie." He kissed my shoulder. "Alright. We'll look into it if he continues." We then heard Billie. "Mommy!" As I put my dressing gown on, Carisi whispered into my ear. "I really love spending time with you." I was in love. As we opened our bedroom door, Billie was in the bathroom. "Hey sweetie. Did you wanna get dressed first?" She nodded. "Jessie would like breakfast first though." Jessie was still sleeping. Carisi said that he would help Billie. As me and Jessie went downstairs, she seemed pretty quiet. As she sat down at the table, I asked her what she would like for breakfast. "Just some toast." As I started to make that, I had this feeling in my gut.. something was up.

"Jessie, are you ok?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno Mommy. Are you and Carisi fighting?" She must of heard something. "No sweetheart.. no we aren't. Mommy just needs to think of some things." She ate her toast as I texted Nina and Olivia.

Nina: Morning. How are you?

As Billie came downstairs with Carisi, Jessie ate her toast. 'Hi Mommy. Carisi was being silly earlier. Can we go to the park today?' I said that seemed like a good idea. Nina then texted me back. 

Morning! I'm alright thanks. I have a teething baby.. but me and Simon are handling it. What's going on with you?

Billie then told us about school. 'It's super fun. Me and my friends are thinking of making posters for our parents fun day.' Carisi gasped. 'That sounds awesome Billie.' He then tickled her and Jessie. They both giggled. 'Breakfast was very yummy Mommy. Come on Billie. Let's go and get dressed.' Once they headed upstairs, Carisi cleaned up. 'Jessie was super quiet earlier. She asked me if we were fighting. I can tell that Al's past behavior is affecting her.' Carisi said that he would look for some legal advice. 'How about we just see our friends tonight? You can meet up with the girls and I'll see the guys."  That sounded great. 'I think I need that. 'I can ring Mom and see if she could babysit the girls.' As he kissed me, the girls shouted him. 'Coming!' I was happy with him. Reading Nina's reply, I texted back. 

I just need a girls's night. I just have a lot on my mind. Would you and Liv be up for drinks tonight?

Texting Olivia, I ate some fruit. As I went upstairs, I heard the girls giggling. 'I just told the girls the fact that I am good at being a monster.' I smiled. 'I'm gonna have a quick shower.' Carisi suggested that the girls help him with making some sandwiches. 'Ooo.. yes. We could have cheese.' Billie disagreed. "I prefer Ham sis."

I heard my phone. It was Olivia. 

That would really take my mind off things. I have just spoken to Nina. Ari could take care of Caleb and Paige. I'm just out with her now actually. She's got cheerleading tryouts tomorrow. We can meet at the bar around the corner from your house if you like?

That sounded so good for Paige. Looking through my wardrobe, I saw my purple blouse. That could go well with my leggings. I put those items of clothing aside and looked for more of a casual look for the park. Once I got in the shower, I felt a bit better. I sorted out my hair and got my bag. 'Cheese sandwiches are all done. Billie, what should we have as a treat?' She picked out some chocolate buttons. 'Wow. Your mom looks pretty.' They went to get their shoes on. 'Thanks for this.' Carisi kissed me. 'That's ok.' I then said that seeing the girls tonight would be great. 'Can't wait.' When the girls were ready, we headed out. The weather was lovely. Family time was lovely. 'Billie, we could mix pink and purple together for our posters. And we could use glitter too!' Carisi seemed happy about that. When we found a good spot, we placed the blanket on the floor. "Come on Billie!!" The girls ran off towards the trees. It was so lovely seeing them play together. As I took a sandwich, Carisi just stared at me.. "Please stop.. I get so nervous around you." He giggled. "You're stunning Amanda."

Watching the girls play with one another was sweet. They had each other and that was lovely. Texting Liv back, I said the bar near our apartment sounded great. "Have you ever thought about adding to our brood?' I swiftly looked at him. He was thinking about more kids?💛 "Sometimes. Then, I think about the sleepless nights, constant feelings of not having time for us.. lots of stuff." The girls came back to us. "Can we have a sandwhich?" Billie asked. "Of course." As they sat down, we just relaxed with them.

(Olivia's P.O.V)

As Ariel was at home with Caleb, I had some quality time with Paige. As we went into the sportswear store, she looked at some outfits. "The cheerleading outfit has to be purple Mommy." We found a really eye catching outfit. 'This one looks good sweetie. Shall we try it on?" The shop assistant showed us to the changing room. Paige then went to sort herself out. "I'm ready to try it on now Mommy." I helped her out. Once she was ready, she stepped out. "Oh my goodness. Paigey!" She stood and posed. I snapped a few pictures. She looked so beautiful.💕 "This one fits really well too Mommy." As she got changed, I sent the picture to Elliot and Barba.

(Paige's cheerleading outfit.)

Once he had brought her outfit, we then went for a coffee. "Could I have a hot chocolate please?" I said yes. As she went to sit down at a table, I texted Ari to see how she was getting on with Caleb.

He's just relaxing with me. Did you manage to get Paige's cheerleading stuff?💛xx

Texting her back, I said yes. As I got our order, I handed her the drink. "Thankyou." She was a really happy kid. "Mommy.. where is Daddy?" I took her hand. "He's poorly baby. He misses you though. We'll be seeing him tomorrow morning." She grinned. "Then, Mommy will be seeing your aunties later." As we continued to enjoy our time together, she told me all about school. "I like it. Me, Cece and Izzy always spend break time together." She was so like her sister. "I'll take Caleb another time to see your dad." When we finished at the cafe, we made our way home.

"Ari! I missed you. Are you seeing Daddy tomorrow morning as well?" Caleb was saying mama. "Hello you. Are you ready for bed now?" Ariel said that she had got him all sorted. "He even had a yogurt for dessert." I thanked her. "And I am seeing Dad tomorrow with you Paige. I can't wait." As I took Caleb upstairs, Paige followed me.

(Ariel's P.O.V)

After cleaning up in the kitchen, I opened the draw.. a pack of cigarettes were in there. I'm not going to lie, I was very tempted.

"Ari.." Blood was all over the hospital room floor. "Dad..."

Taking the packet, I found a lighter. Putting on my jacket, I went outside around the back. Lighting one up, I took one puff on it. All the pent up stress was gone. In an instant.. I just needed a quick hit. Seeing Dad like that had scarred me. Smoking a bit more, I stubbed it out. I didn't have anything else to get a quick release. Going back inside, I made sure to close the front door quietly. Taking off my hoodie, I went into my bedroom. "Hi honey. Where were you?" I just told mom I was outside to get some fresh air. "Aww ok. Paige is all ready now. I'm going to get sorted now." Heading into the bathroom, I quickly cleaned my teeth..

Thank goodness I swerved that question... I just hope Mom wouldn't ask questions on the way to the hospital tomorrow.

Author's note:

This chapter is dedicated to Princess_OliviaB, DayyyFanyyy, JusthereforEO and MariskasAngels! I really hope you enjoy it.💛

Lauren x

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