+ euphoria. 2

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how'd it feel to be notified with an update after five months?

i'm back after a looooong and unplanned break from writing, hope you're all doing well!

(next time i disappear for almost half a year, spam my comments and message board till i'm forced to update)

and a little too late for this, but HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of us! cheers to surviving a year that'll go down in history as a year where people looked both ways before crossing the road only to be hit by a fü$king airplane :)

and a little too late for this, but HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of us! cheers to surviving a year that'll go down in history as a year where people looked both ways before crossing the road only to be hit by a fü$king airplane :)

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reader :)

It was a casual Tuesday afternoon when I found myself standing in line for lunch in the cafeteria, blocking out the inhumane noise my peers were busy making by having plugged in a earbud with music playing, my concentration dead set on the book that I was currently holding up to my chest, eyes reading through every line as my mind turned words into scenarios.

Since one of my ears was open to all the chatter around me I didn't miss when a voice asked directly from behind me,"How are you focusing on doing both?"

I blinked as my eyes left the book, mind drafting the scenario for later as it tried to debate on whether I was being addressed or not. To confirm, I turned my head around and was met with a clothed chest instead of a face.

I took the effort to move my gaze all the way up to the person's features, eyes widening the slightest when I saw who it was.

Noah Schnapp smiled down at me, confirming that he had been talking to me.

"I'm sorry?" I said like an idiot, trying to recall if we'd ever had a conversation before. We hadn't.

He pointed down to the book that I was holding, raising his chin in the direction of the chord of my earphones. "How do listen to music while reading?"

I pulled out the only earphone that I'd been wearing and looked down at it. Telling him that I simply plug my earphones in, open my playlist and hit play would be really blunt, but how else was I supposed to answer him?

"What I mean is," He broke the silence that had settled between us for a few heartbeats. "Isn't the music distracting?"

Oh. I squinted my eyes shut as I mentally called myself an absolute idiot for not understanding him before. Then I offered him a smile and shrug.

"It's really not, I kinda tune it out without even realising it. Music's actually good company to reading," I answered, turning my head back around to walk a few steps ahead as the line moved forward.

Johnny Orlando ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now