+ cologne

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*please listen to the audio above, it's based on the following imagine.*


"What's been keeping you sane?"
"His cologne."



He's everywhere.

Everywhere I go,I see him in other people,in other men.

I breathe him in like the air.

Sometimes,I stop in my tracks to admire the beautiful blonde boy,but shake my head and walk away as his face washes off from the particular being I'd imagined to be him.

I look up at the ceiling as I lie down on my bed,knowing this was what we'd do together,once.

I looked down at the floor,knowing this is where I had my first breakdown.

My body knows it will never feel his soft touch again,yet I still crave it.

I don't sleep at night,I can't.

Sleep deprived,I'd say.

I sit in the dark,all alone and laugh to myself,pretending as if he's with me probably cracking some joke.

I giggle out of the blue,whenever I picture our memories,sometimes earning looks from people if I'm in public.

Sometimes,when it becomes unbearable,I get drunk and walk on the streets,trying to catch a glimpse of his beautiful face.

I snuggle up to myself and look next to me,hoping to find him there with his arms wide open.

He left me distorted.

An insomniac and psychic person is what I've become.

Laughing in the middle of the night,in spite of being alone,stumbling around drunk,breaking down every now and then.

I've been shaken,mentally and physically. To the core.

And despite of all this,I still feel him,his warmth.

How,you ask?

Before leaving me behind as his worst past,he also left a piece of clothing with a bottle of spray.

Forgotten,more like.

A hoodie to keep me warm when his physical touch can't. And to feel him,

his cologne.

I spray it on the dark coloured hoodie and snuggle up,I close my eyes and breathe in,picturing his breath taking face in front of me.

It's clear.

Every second I'm without him,I pretend we're skin to skin.

I walk over to the window beside the door and rest my palm on it as my forehead touches the cold glass.

I sigh and watch my breath form before shutting my eyes.

Johnny Orlando ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now