+ jenzie

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In case yall want to imagine this part better,have a look at the video up there^

In case yall want to imagine this part better,have a look at the video up there^

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Just imagine Jelena as Jenzie:)

So here's a little Jenzie for all of you ;)



"You ready?"

I averted my gaze to Lauren who unbuckled herself and rolled down the tainted window of the car we had just arrived in.


After making sure there was no one around us to cause havoc or attract paparazzi,we got out. We entered the stadium from the back gates where no one was at the moment.

Lauren dialled Maddie's number and I couldn't stop smiling. This had to be the best,it has to. My head looked up and I shut my eyes as loud screams were audible.

The cheering and shrill shouts made every other activity go unnoticed. My ears acted as a pair of bats,trying to catch a sound of her voice.

"John,she's here."

My head snapped up when I noticed a similar face run up to the two of us,wrapping Lauren in a bear hug,and giving me a bone crushing one.

"Guys,it's been so long!"

Lauren and I chuckled at how excited Maddie was to see us. "Seven months,definitely a long time.",Lauren nodded as she gave her another hug.

Maddie looked at me with the biggest smile I'd ever seen her pull off. She grabbed my wrist and winked at Lauren before dragging me forward at a speed with which she could beat Usain Bolt despite the head start he'd get.

Soon enough,all the shrill voices got louder as we reached backstage. We were wrapped in another bone crushing hug by the woman who called out our names loud enough over the joyous crowd.

"John! Lauren! I've missed you both so much! It's so good to see my two favourite kids.",Melissa smiled.

"Hey!",Maddie pouted. All of us chuckled once again. "How's my favourite Ziegler doing?",I asked as she hugged me once again.

"Aw,come on. We all know who your favourite Ziegler is."

My cheeks flushed a light shade of pink at how Lauren and Maddie teased me. Melissa nodded before cracking up another smile.

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