+ happiness

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He didn't listen,he continued yelling profanities at me. His shouting made my body shake. Gulping down a lump that'd formed in my throat,I tried again.

"Listen to me,please don't do this."

"Shut the hell up!",he ordered loudly,causing me to take a step away from him. "You fucking lied to me for two years!"

I bought my hand up to my chest trying to calm my breathing as his angry frame took a step closer to me. I bit my lip.

"I-I can ex-explain.",I cried.

His fists curled up as he stomped over to me,his palm back handing me. I lost my balance,the vase fell off the nearest table I'd taken support of immediately.

"She's not mine!",he screeched in his stiff,deep voice. My breathing had become uneven as the left side of my face throbbed.

He snatched me up by my arm and slammed me against the wall,earning a few grunts from me.

"She's fucking someone else's dirt that you've been tricking me into taking care of! Do you know what a fucking bitch you have been to me as well as that mistake of yours?!"

My jaw clenched,I knew I had to be strong. I had to be strong for her,she was the most beautiful thing happened to me after my first love. She wasn't a mistake,she was the only reason why I was ready to lie to myself everyday.

She was my daughter.

"She wasn't a mistake. You are.",I croaked out. His jaw clenched as his chest rose up and down,body fuming with anger.

He pressed my being harder against the wall,squishing my jaw and letting me go. He grabbed my hair as I whimpered,pulling with force and giving me one last harsh physical touch.

"Pack your things,take your disgrace and get the fuck out of my house.",he fumed and turned around,walking away. "The divorce papers will be sent to you in three days."

I pursed my lips and refused to let out a sob in front of him.

Standing up with wobbly feet,aching upper body,I gathered myself and stumbled up the stairs to our room.

Shutting the door, uncontrollable,inhumane and pained sobs made their way out of my mouth. I grabbed all my clothes and belongings,throwing them in a suitcase.

Placing my luggage outside,I opened the door to Amy's room. She lay asleep on her bed. I smiled despite all the sadness that had settled within me. I walked over to her,crouching down and pushing a strand of her hair behind her tiny ear.

I packed all her belongings,the room left empty.

"Amy?",I cooed as I lifted her up in my arms. She stirred and opened her eyes,the features making me think of the happy past. She rubbed her eyes and looked at me.

Knowing she was only two years old,unable to speak properly she called,"Mommy?"

"We're going out,okay baby?",I spoke softly. She smiled and nodded. I sat her down,changing her into a fresh pair of clothes. After tying her hair into two little ponytails,I picked her up in my arms.

Walking down with my daughter in my arms and luggage that I held with my free hand,I looked around to see if I could catch a glimpse of Pete.

Maybe all the yelling made him drink away his anger or something. But I didn't care,I wanted to get the two of us out of this house as quickly as I could.

And so I did.


"You like it,baby?",I asked Amy with a smile on my face. She nodded,the spoon that was bigger than her chubby hands smudged the ice cream on her nose and mouth.

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