+ nyctophilia. 10

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S U P E R  L O N G !!!

i apologise for the delay! been caught up a little lately,oops!

i love you all <3



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My limbs ached for me to chase after the boy that was walking away from me,my heart clenched in pain as he faded away further down the darkening hallway,but my mind knew that it was best to let him go.

For now,if not forever.

With a tight knot that tugged at my chest from both ends,I turned around in order to go back inside the counsellor's office. But I came to a halt when I saw Kevin standing in the doorway,leaning against one side of the frame with his arms folded,watching me.

I looked down at the floor,about to make my way inside but his voice stopped me.

"I was told that he is the toughest case to solve," Kevin said to me,his voice holding empathy,"Ms.Jillian said that she didn't get anywhere with him,he would just come and sit in the chair for an hour every session,like he couldn't wait to get away from what probably is the only way to help him,"

I gulped,looking back up and locking eyes with Kevin.

"She couldn't help anyone. Not me,not him. He's not to blame here," I defended Johnny.

Kevin's lips turned up into the smallest smile one could give,"One doesn't always have to be trained to help someone,professionally or not. Sometimes,the person with a knife in their hand doesn't need to be told repeatedly that it's dangerous,they just need someone to hold their hand and embrace them for who they truly are. The knife will drop on it's own."

"What do I do?" I asked in a desperate voice,sounding as helpless as I felt at the same time.

Kevin unfolded his arms and took a step back,"Be a friend. Hold his hand,embrace his demons,lead him to do it too. It might surprise you what having someone by your side can do."

He then turned around,looking over his shoulder and saying,"Be his light." Then he shut the door to his office.

For a few moments,I stood there and let the silence around me climb over me. But before it could drown me,I was turning around and hurrying down the hallway,my once tangled thoughts not fuzzing up my mind anymore.

Be his light.

How could I forget that the only thing I've wanted to do ever since I first spoke to Johnny was to be there for him? Something about him always struck the lonely corner within me,it drew me closer to the hazardous soul that resided behind Johnny's guarded walls.

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