+ nyctophilia. 7

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hello beautiful people!

please please please,if you have the time,check out my new story 'Because Of A Locker ' and leave your thoughts about it in the comments :)

love you guys <3



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reader :)

"Look at that,Leo,",I said in a soft to the puppy that was snuggled in my arms,held up to my chest as I pointed a finger up at that the sparkling night sky that was illuminated with twinkling stars scattered around in every direction,every size.

Leo gave a small bark in response and moved in my arms as I held him closer,partly because it was very cold and he was very warm.

Johnny had brought us to the hilly area a little away from the city,stopping at an open ground. With only the moon's light and the headlights of his vehicle available,everything at a far distance was dissolved in the darkness of the velvety night. The weather up here was body-trembling and teeth-chattering cold.

Every few seconds an icy breeze would whip past us,sending chills down my spine since I was wearing only my uniform — a top and mid thigh length skirt.

I licked my cold lips and turned my head to look at Johnny who was covering the bed floor of his pickup truck with blankets. I assumed we'd be sitting there,so I didn't ask twice when he told me to wait for a few minutes while he got everything ready.

He was wearing a full sleeved black turtle neck that was tucked in his cargo pants from earlier,a black denim jacket on top of it and to finish with was his beanie.

I gazed at him a little longer,craving the warmth that he had due to being clad in a comfy outfit. It didn't help that he looked absolutely adorable in it,especially with a few strands of his hair falling on his forehead and whipping around in the direction of the wind.

As if he felt my eyes on him,he glanced up at me,standing at a distance of around ten feet from him.

I was about to give him a smile but a crisp breeze blew with a whoosh,sending me a step forward automatically,making my shivering more obvious as my body shook a little more visibly in response to the weather around us.

I noticed Johnny furrow his brows and drop the blanket he was holding. He put one hand on the side of the tailgate and jumped down effortlessly,making his way over to me.

"H-hey,",I shivered out when he was standing at a foot's distance. Then I sneezed,it made Leo jump a little as he looked up at me.

He lifted his hand up and placed the back of it against my icy cheek,"Fuck,you're freezing."

Johnny Orlando ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now