+ new girl. 5

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i totally nailed two of my tests ;)

*i guess*

love you guys <3



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johnny's the musfasa to benny's simba

reader :)

"Have a good day mom!",I called out to my mother who was currently making some coffee in the kitchen,humming softly to herself while I,on the other hand,was skiddling around because I was late — again.

Yesterday's events had me stay wide eyed in bed last night,meaning I couldn't get much sleep.

There was still loads of unpacking for me to do,which didn't help either. I've only done the basics,not having the time to do much because of all the pressure of school I had for joining late.

"You too,honey!",I heard her call back.

I slipped on my shoes,checking my appearance in the mirror in the foyer one last time before opening the door.

As I was shutting it,I groaned slightly,"How am I supposed to catch the bus now!"

I should really memorise the route to school and back,and learn how to drive,and to wake up early,I thought as I turned around.

But my grumble immediately came to a halt as my feet stopped dead on spot.

Standing there in my driveway,leaning against his matte black jeep with the Mercedes logo glossing in the soothing sun was Johnny,his elbow resting on the hood of his car as he faced me,his messy hair ruffled in an attractive manner.

Slowly,I made my way past the front lawn,gripping the strap of my bag out of nervousness.

When I reached the dirty blonde,he gave me an easy smile,"Morning."

A little bit of my sudden nervousness faded because of the softness in his otherwise deep voice,the smile on his peach lips almost catching me off guard.

"Hey,",I breathed out with a small smile,"What are you doing here?"

He shrugged,"I predicted a certain someone's lateness. Thought I'd stop by and take a guess."

I raised an amused brow at his teasing,"And what did your guess say?"

He grinned wider,"That I'm right."

I shook my head with a chuckle,"You are,I'll give you that." After a few moments of just looking at each other,I broke the comfortable silence,"So...what's the real reason?"

Johnny Orlando ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now