+ ice cream

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requested: johnnyXjane

"beautiful,beautiful,beautiful,beautiful angel🎵"

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beautiful angel🎵"

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i sighed.

mentally groaning at the number of drunk teens i had to push through,i tried to call for my friends over the loud music blaring through the house,the floor thumping and walls shaking.

what a wild imagination.

i gave up the search after not being able to squeeze through the drunk dancers,walking over to the door for some fresh air. on my way there,i bumped into someone. my eyes widened as i welcomed the impact,but it never came.

i was steadied by a hand gripping my wrist and waist. "i'm sorry-",we both said together. looking up at the boy,i recognised him immediately. admiring his green eyes squinting as we both chuckled at our stupidity,taking in how breath taking he was looking tonight,the way his face could lighten up this room full of delinquents with his smile,i couldn't help but want to gaze longer.
"having fun?",he yelled over the loud music. not quiet able to hear what he was saying,i yelled back,"what?i can't hear you," he shook his head with a smile before latching his fingers around my wrist and pulling me away from the crowd.

once we were out in the chilly air of the night,he let go off my skin.

"were you having fun or what?",he asked with a small smile on his lips. "what do you think?",i rubbed my palms together. "well from the way you were literally huddling and digging your way through that mass,i'm certain this isn't what you would like to do on weekends.",he confidently answered.

damn right.

"you're right. high school parties aren't my type,not that much at least.",i hopped back and forth on my heel. "what's your type of friday night?",he leaned on the wall. i bit my lip and thought,"um. . .an ice cream probably?" he chuckled,"alright."

i furrowed my brows,lips twitched at the side,"what?" he stood up straight,a genuine smile on his lips. "you don't like this party either,",he stopped mid sentence. with a knowing smile on my face i replied,"and?"

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