+ roommates | 2

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I sighed.

"Where are the girls?", I asked as I looked around instead of answering her question right away.

"They've all gone out to Kyla's for a sleep over.", she answered as we walked inside.

Taymi lived with two other girls, both were the side kicks of the school's bitch,Kyla.

After narrating the whole story to Taymi, and getting my hand nursed by her,we were busy having dinner.

"A whore to play around with?",she angered. "What a bastard."

I nodded.

"What were the other two doing when all this was taking place?", she inquired.

"They'd just gotten back with food,their presence wasn't noticed by either of us.", I answered.

"But Brandon did call out for me as I left.", I added as I took a bite out of the bowl of warm noodles in front of me.

"it's okay.", she assured. "they're tards. I might as well label Johnny a 'use and throw' piece of wastage."

I giggled.

And with a giggle, a yawn followed.

Tay and I spoke for a while, before my eyes started to get heavy. We stayed up a little late, but that's okay since it was Sunday tomorrow.

"Get some rest.", Tay said as she set up the covers for me.

"Thank you for letting me stay.", I smiled. We weren't at all formal with each other, but then today was when I felt a need to thank her.

She had done a lot for me ever since I got here, at Auradon. I despise some students, but Taymi has a special place in my heart.

she's the best bitch I could ask for.

And with a good night being said,I drifted off into a deep sleep.


I shuddered as I pulled the sleeves of the hoodie I was wearing closer to my body.


A hoodie? I remember leaving the house in a spaghetti top. And I definitely don't recall borrowing one from Taymi.

I opened my slowly and confusion erupted my body.

I was in my room.

My room?

When did I get here? I looked down and noticed the same bottoms I was wearing yesterday, except someone had just slipped on a hoodie on me.

Did I sleep walk?

Well, I did that once when I was made to watch The Conjuring. But I did not after that.

I stood up and held my head as a pain striked through. You know that awful feeling of your vision being blurred and your head paining?

Yeah, it's tardy.

I opened the door to be greeted by silence.

I walked downstairs and saw nothing, no one. I wasn't used to this. Every Sunday morning I'd wake up to the guys sprawled here and there probably drunk.

Peace felt like a raiding feeling in our cabin.

I saw a note stuck to counter.

We're out,we'll be back later. We need to talk. Those were the words scribbled on the piece of paper.

Old fashioned swines.

We need to talk? What about? Eh,fuck that. I'm hungry. My stomach kept on growling as I opened every possible creation of furniture I could find food in.

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