+ nyctophilia. 4

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i have like 2 other versions of this part drafted,different events in both of them :P
that explain my delay¿

loveyou <3


this one hits different

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this one hits different.


johnny :)

"Now,let's talk about your anger episodes,",miss Jillian said calmly as she closed the file in front of her,leaning back and resting her arms on the sides of her chair.

"I don't have any damn episodes.",I glared at her.

My eyes kept drifting to the clock behind her,my fists clenching and relaxing with each second as I tried to tell myself that there were only a few minutes before I could leave this shit hole of a room. The ugly shade of sage green on the walls was making me want to puke.

"Alright,your anger outbursts then. Tell me about those,",the woman said in her relaxed voice again.

"I tend to have those when I'm around or bothered by pesky little fucks,how convenient is it that this school is filled with them?",I told her sarcastically,my glare still drilling bullets in her.

"How would you describe such...pesky people?",miss Jillian asked with hesitation.

"Inquisitive.",I rolled my eyes.

"Can you elaborate?",she pressed.

I took a glance at the clock,almost letting out a sigh of relief when I saw that it was two minutes away from striking the end of my hour. I leaned forward,looking at the woman in front of me with challenge in my eyes,my hands clammy from impatience.

"They're fucking nosy,always prying into my affairs. They need to get a damn job if they don't want to get their bones broken.",I spat.

I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder,the counsellor watching my every move. With my hand on the door knob,I turned my head around and pointed my index finger at her.

"Too bad your job is exactly that,prying and snooping."

Then I pulled open the door and stepped out with a sigh of utter relief from the much needed escape. As the door clicked shut behind me my eyes fell on the figure sitting on one of the blue cushioned seats,a book in hand and a single earbud in.

Y/n looked up when she noticed my presence,sending a small smile my way as she tugged the earbud out.

"Hey,",she said in her soft and friendly voice,shutting the book and standing up.

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