+ nyctophilia. 6

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because i didn't want to make you guys wait for a week ;)

love yall!



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reader :)

I played with my wrist gloves while I sat on the armchair opposite from Ms.Jillian in her office,waiting patiently for the clock to tick faster so that this session would fly by.

She was no real help but I didn't really have another choice. I only had a handful more sessions and then I would never step foot near this office. Compliance was the best I could do. Ms.Jillian didn't exactly know how deep my case ran,all she knew was that both my parents were always busy with work to give me any time.

"So everything has been fine for the past week?",she asked in her flat and inquisitive voice. I nodded,adding a fake smile for reassurance,"It has been getting better."

"That's a positive sign,",she crossed her fingers together. The fact that she couldn't see through my lies surprised me,she was supposed to be a certified counsellor,but she easily believed whatever falsehood I came up with. Either she wasn't interested in our issues and was just doing this for the sake of a job,or she had gotten her degree online.

"This is,as far as I know for now,our last session together,",Ms.Jillian began. I tried to keep a grin off of my face when she said that. An early escape from this waste of time,I was elated.

"But,",she interjected my bubble,"That does not that your sessions have come to an end just yet."

My brows furrowed,"I don't understand,"

"I have to move states in a few weeks,which means this week is my last at this school. The principle has,however,already made arrangements for a new counsellor. Your sessions will be on Wednesdays like they usually are,so it is not much of a change.",she explained briefly.

At least I didn't have to think of new lies about how everything was just fine when it really wasn't. I could use the old ones on the new counsellor.

My hour was up a few minutes later,I'd bid Ms.Jillian goodbye and a safe trip to whatever state she was moving to and left her office with a sigh of relief. I wasn't really fond of her,but she didn't try to pry deeper into my matters than I would be comfortable with,so it was tolerable.

I had tried not to think about Johnny or what he had said to me yesterday while I was in Ms.Jillian's office,I didn't want her to ask me about it. But that was all that I could think of when I mounted my bike and pedalled back home.

Even though he had tried very hard to make me believe that he didn't want anything to do with me,there was still some part of me that wasn't convinced by his feign. I couldn't help but think that something had forced him to act the way he did,like he felt that he needed to push me away so badly that I'd never bother to return.

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