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So before you guys read this, I'd like to let you all know that I've used Xandra as the main character in this imagine since its hard to use Y/n, Xandra is a fictional character.


third person^

"Whatever it is, I don't care.", said Xandra as she put her head in her hands. "I'm tired."

Her friends gave each other a concerned look before Carson's face lit up.

He whispered something in Hayden's ear. The idea kept on passing to everyone else's ears.

Johnny, out of all, moved Xandra's palms away from her face.

She looked at him, and yes, she looked very tired.

Staying with a drug addict father wasn't easy, especially if you were to deal with him by yourself, alone.

She was well aware of the sounds of things shattering, cuss words being yelled, and her being beaten up.

And her friends, who were all eighteen, promised to do something as soon as she turns the same age as them.

Because that is when she's officially independent and allowed to live on her own.

But of course, her friends who've always got her back wouldn't ever let her stay alone, she'd be taken in by one of them. Out of all, Lauren seemed to be wanting her the most.

But she knew she wouldn't be comfortable with a family as big as hers, so for the time being, Mackenzie offered for her to move in.

She'd be eighteen in two months.

But till then,poor Xandra would have to face the wrath.

They often insisted on her staying at either of their houses once a week,seven people and six houses.

But she knew sneaking wasn't possible, since she was caught once and faced consequences. And sleeping over at someone's every week was almost like invading their privacy to her.

"Xandra?", Johnny called out as she looked up.

He looked at others before giving them a slight nod.

Nadia knelt down before the chair Xandra sat on. She took her hand in hers.

"We have a plan, according to Carson and Hayden, that's the best stress reliever. That's if counselling doesn't help.", she said softly.

Xandra did not go to one, since she did not want everyone to know about her abusive life except for her friends.

Brandon knelt down too.

"We're going out tonight, be ready.", he informed.

She gave them all a confused look.

"Don't worry, us girls will help you get ready. And before that, we really need to go shopping.",Kenzie joined in.

"Um, you guys can go shopping. I won't be able to join in since I'll have to stay home for lunch with my step father.", she replied apologetically.

"That's not a problem.", Lauren chimed in. "We'll pick you up at seven, okay?"

Xandra gave a short nod before plastering a smile on her face. "I'm thankful to and for all of you.",she said while looking at all the seven people she considered as her best friend.

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