+ a hero

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Also,Requests are now closed. There's a last one I'll be doing,but other than that they'll be closed for some time!



I shuddered at the winter breeze.

I pulled my coat closer to myself,striding down the streets as I made my way home.

I scratched my nose,mentally groaning at how my nose had become red and my cheeks had flushed pink. I sniffed and looked around,smiling warmly.

It was late evening,past six thirty. Everyone was eager to go home and get engulfed by warmth,including myself. The streets were dimly lit and I couldn't help but wish for him to be here.

I felt like I was sinking in his words,the last ones he ever said to me before we decided to go our separate ways.

More like he decided it was the best for us.

I sighed and rubbed my hands together to warm myself up in the weather of New York. Its been a week since we last saw each other. And I have no idea of what he's doing.

All I hope is he's fine.

As I was walking down a street,I felt myself being caught by the waist and seconds later I was flying in the air. I gasped and closed my eyes immediately before holding onto whatever was closest to me.

I peeked through one eye and both of them widened as I saw a part of New York city under my feet. I panicked and looked around only to be staring in grey patches.

I breathed steadily as my feet touched the ground,I was standing on the top of the Williamsburg bridge with someone I never thought would be this close to me.

My hands were on his chest as his arms were wrapped around my waist. I gulped and stared into the eyes of a bug who saves the city everyday,everynight.

"S-spiderman?",I choked out.

Despite the mask covering his face,I felt him shut his eyes. Our foreheads touched as he inhaled and spoke. His voice was deep,yet recognisable.

"I'm sorry,",he let out. "W-why?",I croaked,weak from the contact between us. Our hands were still in place. He sighed once again before removing one of his hands from my waist,settling it below his Red webbed mask.

With ease,he lifted it off and my knees buckled,a reason for him to clasp his arms around my waist tighter. I looked at him,no words ready to come out of my mouth.


He licked his lips,they were just as red as the last time I'd seen them say words that left me dazed. He lifted his mask up as I took it,running my hands over the fabric.

I bit my lip hard enough to let it drain colour for a second before my eyes met his. He shut his eyes before opening them again. If it wasn't the top of a bridge as tall as the one we were on and for his grip on me,I would've broken down immediately.

He breathed before speaking,"I-I can't."

I looked at the logo on his suit and looked back at him,signalling him to continue. It seemed as if adrenaline was running twice as fast in his veins. He gained confidence before sighing and continuing a rant.

"I can't stay away from you,no. I can't stay happy and focused without knowing you're with me and not in danger. I can't sleep without knowing you're safe and not being mugged in a street. I can't smile without knowing we're together. I can't do anything without you. I need to feel you and see you,just like I am right now."

Johnny Orlando ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now