+ 01:01 am

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I watched with curiosity as Marco and Star came closer to each other,looking incredibly adorable. I munched on my candy bar before smiling wide.

"Just kiss already,"

Just when their lips were about to touch,a beep made me jump. With furrowed brows,I unlocked my phone and pouted at the notification.

I had texts from Lauren,one of those amazing few people I met three months ago when I moved here. The group had been friends since a long time,I'd just known them for some months.

But they were the coolest,the best.

hey,outta your house in ten;)

My eyes widened. In ten minutes? I'm clad in stupid shorts and a tee. And the weather is definitely freezing,I'd better change quickly.

"Wait a minute,",I murmured.

It's freaking 12:03 am,freaking midnight. What's she doing here at this hour? Not that I mind,but it's dangerous for her to be out this late especially if she's alone.

I decided to keep my clothing on,since she'd be coming inside anyway. I walked downstairs and thanked my luck for my mom to be on a business trip.

Another ding which made me jump,it was a text from Lauren saying she was outside. Why didn't she knock? I shook my head and walked towards the door,opening it.

My face lit up when I saw my group,all dressed up comfy and warm,standing there chatting in hushed tones and lightly chuckling.

I took some steps forward,not bothering to close the door as I waved,"hey guys!"

They all greeted me.

Lauren,Hayden,Nadia,Carson,Kenzie,Brandon and Johnny smiled warmly at me. Before anyone could speak,the slamming of a door made our heads snap in the direction of the door.

"Oh shit,"

I bit my lip and started cussing and walking around,ignoring the confused state my friends were in. I sighed,"there's no one at home and the keys are inside. Hell no.",I covered my face.

"You could always stay with one of us,",I heard Kenzie say. I smiled at her,"that would be a burden for you,but thank you."

Lauren shook her head,"we're friends,y/n. You don't have to be formal with us." The boys nodded. "she's right,we could have a sleep over. No boys of course.",Nadia smirked at how the boys frowned.

I giggled and asked,"what are we doing here,anyway?"

They looked at each other as Carson answered,"late night walks." Hayden nodded,"it's our thing,ya know. We get out of the house at random hours chasing that one minute."

"yeah,you can say we're creeps."

Everyone laughed at Brandon's comment. "One minute?",I questioned again. Nadia nodded,"you'll see. But we'll have to go further now,I'm surprised you aren't freezing yet."

I looked down at my attire and mentally face palmed,I knew I should have changed! "I know,right.",I replied before shrugging.

"I have a sweatshirt in my car,I'll go get it."

Johnny unlocked his car as he took out a red jacket,perfect for my black jersey. He handed it to me and I slipped it on,inhaling his lemon like scent.

"thank you,",I gave him a side hug as his cheek rested on my forehead. For some reason,Johnny and I were always close whenever we were together,we had been ever since the third week of me meeting them all.

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